
Studia austriaca XXXI


Elfriede Jelinek • Maria Lazar

Robert Menasse • Ceija Stojka

Victor Hugo • Robert Hamerling






Editor-in-chief: Fausto Cercignani

Co-Editor: Marco Castellari

Editorial Board

Achim Aurnhammer (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)

Cornelia Blasberg (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

Alberto Destro (Università degli Studi di Bologna)

Konstanze Fliedl (Universität Wien)

Sylvie Le Moël (Université Paris-Sorbonne)

Hubert Lengauer (Universität Klagenfurt)

David S. Luft (Oregon State University)

Patrizia C. McBride (Cornell University)

Marisa Siguan (Universitat de Barcelona)

Ronald Speirs (University of Birmingham)










Studia austriaca
An international journal devoted to the study
of Austrian culture and literature
Published annually in the spring
Hosted by Università degli Studi di Milano under OJS
ISSN 2385-2925


Year 2023

Editor-in-chief: Fausto Cercignani

Co-Editor: Marco Castellari

Editorial Board:

Achim Aurnhammer (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)

Cornelia Blasberg (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

Alberto Destro (Università degli Studi di Bologna)

Konstanze Fliedl (Universität Wien)

Sylvie Le Moël (Université Paris-Sorbonne)

Hubert Lengauer (Universität Klagenfurt)

David S. Luft (Oregon State University)

Patrizia C. McBride (Cornell University)

Marisa Siguan (Universitat de Barcelona)

Ronald Speirs (University of Birmingham)


Founded in 1992

Published in print between 1992 and 2011 (vols. I-XIX)

On line since 2012 under http://riviste.unimi.it

Online volumes are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.







Studia austriaca
Vol. XXXI – Year 2023

Table of Contents

Renée Winter – Navigating Second Generation Memory and Auto/ biography in Home Video. A Video Collection of Hojda Stojka, Son of Artist and Survivor of the Porajmos Ceija Stojka

Simone Ketterl – Eine «einzige große Verzögerung». Die Exilliteratur Maria Lazars und ihre Rezeption

[A «single great delay». Maria Lazar’s exile literature and its reception]

Martin A. Hainz – «Die Schutzbefohlenen» von Elfriede Jelinek als Frage nach dem Recht auf Fragen

[Elfriede Jelinek’s «Die Schutzbefohlenen» as a question about the right to ask questions]

Michiel Rys – Between Nationalist and Cosmopolitan Visions of Fraternity. The Prefigurative Role of the French Revolution in Victor Hugo’s introduction to «Paris guide» (1867) and Robert Hamerling’s «Danton und Robespierre» (1871)

Luis S. Krausz – Kolonialismus, Regression und Sinnlichkeit in Robert Menasses «Sinnliche Gewissheit»

[Colonialism, regression and sensuality in Robert Menasse’s «Sinnliche Gewissheit»]

Call for Papers