Demütigungserzählungen in autobiographischen Texten. Ein Vergleich zwischen Alfons Petzolds «Das rauhe Leben» (1920) und Christian Barons «Ein Mann seiner Klasse» (2020)

Narratives of Humiliation in Autobiographical Texts. A Comparison between Alfons Petzold’s «Das rauhe Leben» (1920) and Christian Baron’s «Ein Mann seiner Klasse» (2020)


  • Cornelius Mitterer Universität Wien, Austria


This paper delves into autobiographical texts, uncovering thematic and narrative parallels, with a keen focus on the depiction of humiliations in Das rauhe Leben [The Rough Life] by Alfons Petzold and Ein Mann seiner Klasse [A Man of his Class] by Christian Baron. It posits humiliation as both excluding and order-establishing, yet also catalyzing resistance to societal exclusion. Following a theoretical examination of humiliation, the study scrutinizes how it shapes the autobiographical narratives, analyzing narrative techniques, its impact on plot and character, spatial significance, and associated discourses.


