Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese <p>Gli Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese pubblicano saggi inerenti alla scienza del linguaggio, che riflettono l'attività di produzione scientifica dei soci del Sodalizio. Normalmente i contributi pubblicati negli Atti riproducono il contenuto delle conferenze tenute durante le sedute del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese nell'anno precedente a quello di pubblicazione.</p> Milano University Press it-IT Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese 1972-9901 Habù e habiù nei volgari veneti antichi: riflessioni su un caso di sovrabbondanza <p>This paper aims at analysing a case of “polymorphism” in Ancient Venetan dialects, that is the free alternation of <em>(h)abù</em> and <em>(h)abiù</em> in the perfect participle of ‘to have’ attested in XIII-XIV texts of Venice, Padua and Verona. I will treat this alternation as an instance of “overabundance” in order to show that it and similar cases largely attested in Venetan varieties do not represent “canonical” irregularity; on the contrary, they are coherent with diachronic trends and well attested comparatively.</p> Davide Bertocci Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 2021 16 n.s. 1 15 10.54103/1972-9901/20525 -ata nominalisations in Maltese: a language contact perspective <p>The -<em>ata</em> derivational suffix is attested frequently in nominalisations in Italo-Romance languages and its functions related to ‘event/single instance’ nouns have been documented extensively. This affix with these functions is also present in the derivational morphology of Maltese, in which diachronic and synchronic developments of -<em>ata</em> nominalisations reflect the evolutionary paths of this language, characterised by contact. By investigating the etymology of verbal and nominal bases, this research provides a classification of forms which take the -<em>ata</em> suffix in Maltese to refer to events and single instances within them, through derivation involving contact with Italian, English and Sicilian base forms. -<em>ata</em> nominalisations resulting from etymologically Arabic bases will also be included in the classification.</p> Sandro Caruana Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 2021 16 n.s. 17 39 10.54103/1972-9901/20526 Una nazione, molti tipi di politeness. Il complimento come esempio di pragmatica variazionale in Italia <p>Framed in variational pragmatics, this work aims at comparing the compliment management in three different regional varieties of Italian. In order to fully understand the different <em>facework</em> dynamics in the compliments in Piemonte Orientale, Cancello ed Arnone (Caserta) and among the Sardinian community (Biella), the compliments have been analyzed having recourse to three different models of politeness: Brown and Levinson (1987), the “Face Constituting Theory” (Arundale 2006), Mursy and Wilson’s “Social Contract of Values” (2001).</p> Marina Castagneto Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 2021 16 n.s. 41 60 10.54103/1972-9901/20528 Su Luigi Heilmann e la linguistica strutturale <p>This paper aims to describe Luigi Heilmann’s structural point of view. A philologist and linguist, a specialist in Indology, Semitistics, and Romance dialectology, he subscribed to the Prague School functional perspective and put his structural method in continuity with the comparative-historical method. Heilmann was open to scientific dialogue, also from an interdisciplinary perspective which he based on two principles: a generative humanitas and an interpretative structure.</p> Giovanni Gobber Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 2021 16 n.s. 61 73 10.54103/1972-9901/20530 La ricezione della linguistica strutturale in Italia <p>The reception of structuralism by Italian linguists can be divided into three periods. In the first of them (roughly, from the 1930s to the end of the 1950s), structural linguistics, while by no means ignored, is essentially rejected (with some exceptions, such as G. Contini or L. Heilmann). The second period roughly coincides with the 1960s, when structural linguistics reaches the height of its success, thanks, primarily, to the work of scholars such as T. De Mauro, G. Lepschy and L. Rosiello. The success of structural linguistics in Italy began to decline from the 1970s onwards: various linguists turned to other conceptual frameworks, such as generative grammar. Some possible reasons for this decline are investigated here.</p> Giorgio Graffi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 2021 16 n.s. 75 95 10.54103/1972-9901/20531 Per l'etimologia e la storia dei bagaudi <p>The most widespread etymology of <em>bagaudae</em>, the name of rebel groups in late Roman Gaul, connects it to Old Irish <em>bág</em> ‘fight’ and to the IE root <em>*bhē/ōgh-</em> (IEW 115). There are, however, phonetic problems. The historical sources and the current historiographic research do not support an original meaning such as ‘fighters’. A morphological and semantic analysis (doubts about a suffix <em>*-aud-</em>, the connotations associated with the term <em>bagaudae,</em> its use in anthroponymy etc.) points to an old dithematic compound meaning ‘collector of goods (to be allotted)’ (cf. IEW 107 <em>*bhag-;</em> 75 <em>*au(dh)-</em>).</p> Andrea Nuti Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 2021 16 n.s. 97 116 10.54103/1972-9901/20532 Emanuele BANFI – Chiara PICCININI (a cura di), Atti del Convegno “Parola enigmatica ed enigmi”, “Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana” di Milano 24-25 maggio 2018, «Ἀλεξάνδρεια/Alessandria. Rivista di glottologia» 13 (2019), Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 20 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Maria Patrizia Bologna Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 2021 16 n.s. 125 130 10.54103/1972-9901/20533 George H. COULTER, How Dead Languages Work, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Edoardo Nardi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 2021 16 n.s. 131 135 10.54103/1972-9901/20534 Méthodes et modèles de l’apprentissage des langues anciennes, vivantes et construites, hier et aujourd’hui, édité par Francesca DELL’ORO, avec la collaboration d’Émile BOCQUEL, Cahiers du CLSL n° 62, Lausanne, Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Lan <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Laura Biondi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 2021 16 n.s. 137 140 10.54103/1972-9901/20535 Elenco degli Autori <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Redazione ASGM Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 2021 16 n.s. 141 142 10.54103/1972-9901/20537