Health promotion actions in mass-media for seniors in selected European countries


  • Maciej Bartłomiej Rogala Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków



mass-media, good-pratices, health promotion, healthy ageing, seniors



The paper consists results of research aimed at health promotion for older people (HP4OP) in mass-media in 10 selected European countries involved in project ProHealth 65+. Identification, describing and analysis of contemporary good practices sector in media allowed for review selected interventions, programmes and actions directed to seniors corresponding to health promotion. Research indicated main relationships that determine presence of media activities in health promotions focused on seniors.


The content of report has been focused on target group of elderly and prepared on ground of the literature review on public health and health promotion, analysis and evaluations of EU programmes and official reports, research studies focused on impact of mass-media for health, indications of experts and partners in project ProHealth 65+, documents describing realisations of mass-media initiatives, good practices in HP4OP and searches using PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Google and base CRODIS.


The results of the research conducted that mass-media as sector can be one of a tool enabling promotion of health for older people through activities directed to HP4OP. Results of the studies  showed that mass-media engaged in health communication process apply all kind of health promotion functions. Research confirm significant role of media influencing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours about health related topics.


In the report was presented significance and important functions of media in societies not as a tool of information but additionally a source of  education and raising awareness in context of healthy and active ageing strategy in Europe. However potential of mass-media seems to be not completely appreciated and used in HP4OP process in 10 analysed countries. The conclusion can be substantial issue to further discussions and finding solutions how to strengthen engagement of mass-media in HP4OP.




How to Cite

Rogala MB. Health promotion actions in mass-media for seniors in selected European countries. ebph [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 11 [cited 2025 Jan. 20];14(2). Available from: