Occasional and Continuous Ketamine Users: Consumption Rules and Harm Reduction Strategies





substance use, ketamine, consumption rules, harm reduction strategies


Objectives: To describe the phenomenology of ketamine use; to identify feared/unwanted consequences due to the use of ketamine; to identify any common ketamine consumption rules.
Methods: A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to a sample of 48 (31.3% female) substance users living in Italy with recent use of ketamine (last 12 months) and who have never referred to an Addiction Service.
Results: From the results aspects emerge related to particular strategies implemented by interviewees to reduce the impact of ketamine consumption on their health, in everyday life and within social relationships: 1) ketamine consumption and purchase were primarily based on friendship networks and trusted relationships; 2) techniques of camouflage were adopted to keep the consumer status secret; 3) artisan controls to verify the quality of the substances were common; 4) general consumption rules were implemented to avoid unwanted consequences due to the use of ketamine.
Conclusions: The control of ketamine consumption is a complex practice that includes various aspects related not only to the knowledge of the substance, to the dosing-related harm reduction strategies, to the consumption setting, and to the consumer’s psycho-physical state, but also to the choice of people to buy from and consume with.


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How to Cite

Pavarin R. Occasional and Continuous Ketamine Users: Consumption Rules and Harm Reduction Strategies. ebph [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];19(2). Available from: https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/ebph/article/view/26983



Original articles
Received 2024-10-28
Accepted 2024-11-11
Published 2024-11-14