ENTHYMEMA: Avvisi https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/enthymema <p>Rivista internazionale di critica, teoria e filosofia della letteratura</p> it-IT Rivista «Costellazioni» Call for Papers _Call for Papers Dalla didattica alla teoria, dalla teoria alla didattica. Testimonianze, analisi, proposte per una ricerca sulla poesia di lingua inglese https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/enthymema/announcement/view/866 <p>Rivista «Costellazioni», Call for Papers</p> <p> Titolo del volume: <em>Dalla didattica alla teoria, dalla teoria alla didattica. Testimonianze, analisi, proposte per una ricerca sulla poesia di lingua inglese</em></p> <p><strong>Descrizione:</strong></p> <p>Nel 2018 è uscito un manuale di teoria letteraria intitolato <em>Letteratura</em>, in cui, per illustrare le <em>teorie, </em>i<em> metodi</em> e gli<em> strumenti</em> (voci richiamate nel sottotitolo del volume), venivano analizzati quattro romanzi stranieri, di cui tre di lingua inglese. Non si faceva invece menzione della poesia. Le scelte culturali ed editoriali di quel manuale riflettono del resto quelle dei docenti di letteratura dei nostri atenei, dacché nei programmi dei corsi universitari, anche di Letteratura inglese, Letteratura angloamericana e Letteratura postcoloniale la narrativa gode di una preminenza pressoché assoluta.</p> <p>Eppure, in Italia anglisti/e e americanisti/e producono costantemente studi di altissimo livello sulla poesia, curano volumi che arricchiscono una tradizione di eccellenza dell’editoria italiana e si dotano di cassette degli attrezzi teorici la cui validità trascende l’oggetto immediato della loro ricerca. La dimensione comparatistica entro cui insegnano la poesia di lingua inglese a giovani lettori che si sono formati studiando la tradizione italiana, poi, crea infinite occasioni di riflessione sulla poesia in quanto tale. Manca però un raccordo fra questo lavoro critico condotto sul campo e la pratica didattica, i cui processi non godono di pari visibilità, né sono oggetto di adeguata riflessione teorica.</p> <p>La rivista «Costellazioni» intende aprire uno spazio di confronto sul nesso, poco esplorato, fra critica, teoria e didattica della poesia inglese. E, tenendo a mente l’ammonimento di Walter Benjamin, «L’importante non è tanto rinnovare l’insegnamento mediante la ricerca, quanto la ricerca mediante l’insegnamento», propone di farlo a partire da una convergenza tra riflessioni teoriche ed esperienze concrete che consentano di illuminare i vari ambiti di attività.</p> <p>Al riguardo, tra gli spunti di riflessione teorica proposti, si indicano due volumi usciti negli Stati Uniti nel 2015, <em>Theory of the Lyric</em> di Jonathan Culler, e <em>The Craft of Poetry: Dialogues on Minimal Interpretation</em> di Derek Attridge e Henry Staten. Culler, in particolare, fa suo quanto aveva scritto nel 1994 il poeta, teorico e docente di Computer Science Amittai F. Aviram: «the test of a theory of poetry should be at once the vision it gives us of poetry and its pedagogical efficacy». </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Temi dei contributi:</strong></p> <p> I contributi inviati alla rivista verteranno sui seguenti argomenti, nonché eventualmente su temi affini non di seguito esplicitati:</p> <ul> <li>Tecniche e strategie nell’insegnamento della poesia in inglese: efficacia pedagogica, problematiche linguistiche ed ermeneutiche.</li> <li>Insegnare le forme: stile, figure, metrica.</li> <li>Poesia e traduzione in prospettiva teorica e didattica.</li> <li>Studiare e insegnare la poesia di lingua inglese in una dimensione comparatistica. Un valore aggiunto?</li> <li>Poesia e didattica degli specifici culturali: <em>gender</em>, <em>race</em>, <em>identity</em>.</li> <li>Teoria della letteratura in versi e teoria della didattica: convergenze e dissonanze.</li> <li>Poesia e trauma: la didattica della poesia come terapia e strategia rimediale.</li> <li>Storicità della poesia: sviluppi diacronici della teoria dell’interpretazione e dell’insegnamento.</li> <li>Utilità e danno del manuale didattico: libri di testo, <em>handbooks</em>, antologie.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Estensione e presentazione dei contributi:</strong></p> <p>I singoli articoli, redatti in qualsiasi lingua, non possono superare in estensione i 40.000 caratteri spazi inclusi, comprensivi di titolo, abstract in lingua inglese, parole chiave, note e bibliografia, né possono essere inferiori a 25.000 caratteri spazi inclusi. Le norme redazionali possono essere consultate all’indirizzo: https://www.rivistacostellazioni.org/_files/ugd/76cf18_b2e2cd8fa3b4436d99a46d178e00bd92.pdf- </p> <p>Le proposte (titolo, abstract e bibliografia sintetica sull’argomento) dovranno essere inviate in formato Word ai seguenti indirizzi email: <a href="about:blank">richard.ambrosini@uniroma3.it</a> e <a href="about:blank">fausto.ciompi@unipi.it</a> entro il 30 aprile 2024. Gli autori riceveranno notizia dell’eventuale accettazione dei contributi e delle successive fasi editoriali entro il 15 maggio 2024.</p> <p>Gli articoli dovranno essere consegnati entro il 15 febbraio 2026.</p> <p>Conclusa la valutazione scientifica “doppio cieca” dalla Rivista, e compiute le modifiche dei materiali eventualmente richieste dai referee o dalla Cura, il 15 luglio 2026 comincerà la lavorazione Redazionale.</p> <p>Data di pubblicazione: 1° febbraio 2027.</p> <p><strong>Curatori: </strong></p> <p>Proff. Richard Ambrosini (Università di Roma Tre), Fausto Ciompi (Università di Pisa)</p> ENTHYMEMA 2024-02-06 Summer School The Cultural Heritage and Memory of Totalitarianism. May 27 and June 7, 2024. https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/enthymema/announcement/view/860 <div class="UtePc RCETm" dir="ltr" tabindex="-1" role="main" aria-hidden="false"> <section id="h.5744e9046e2666e_12" class="yaqOZd"> <div class="mYVXT"> <div class="LS81yb VICjCf j5pSsc db35Fc" tabindex="-1"> <div class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd Ft7HRd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd purZT-AhqUyc-II5mzb ZcASvf-AhqUyc-II5mzb pSzOP-AhqUyc-qWD73c Ktthjf-AhqUyc-qWD73c JNdkSc SQVYQc"> <div class="JNdkSc-SmKAyb LkDMRd"> <div class=""> <div class="oKdM2c ZZyype Kzv0Me"> <div id="h.5744e9046e2666e_9" class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd Ft7HRd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd jXK9ad D2fZ2 zu5uec OjCsFc dmUFtb wHaque g5GTcb"> <div class="jXK9ad-SmKAyb"> <div class="tyJCtd mGzaTb Depvyb baZpAe"> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="puwcIf C9DxTc ">WEEK 1</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="h.2bf2fcb6a75dc29c_8" class="yaqOZd"> <div class="mYVXT"> <div class="LS81yb VICjCf j5pSsc db35Fc" tabindex="-1"> <div class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd Ft7HRd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd purZT-AhqUyc-II5mzb ZcASvf-AhqUyc-II5mzb pSzOP-AhqUyc-qWD73c Ktthjf-AhqUyc-qWD73c JNdkSc SQVYQc"> <div class="JNdkSc-SmKAyb LkDMRd"> <div class=""> <div class="oKdM2c ZZyype Kzv0Me"> <div id="h.2bf2fcb6a75dc29c_5" class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd Ft7HRd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd jXK9ad D2fZ2 zu5uec OjCsFc dmUFtb wHaque g5GTcb"> <div class="jXK9ad-SmKAyb"> <div class="tyJCtd mGzaTb Depvyb baZpAe"> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="jgG6ef C9DxTc ">Day 1</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">The historical and cultural context: Italian Fascism and the Myth of Rome </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Audiovisual excerpts from Istituto Luce and Italian Fascist Cinema</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Sapienza University campus tour; </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Aula Magna, Mario Sironi, </span><span class="C9DxTc ">L'Italia tra le arti e le scienze </span><span class="C9DxTc ">(1935); </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit to Arturo Martini’s Minerva.</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="jgG6ef C9DxTc ">Day 2</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Italian Literature from Futurism to Fascism (and anti-Fascism) </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Unexpected Spaces of Memory: Remembering the Shoah in Etruria (1962 - 1982)</span><span class="C9DxTc "> </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Tour of Villa Torlonia, residence of Mussolini </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="jgG6ef C9DxTc ">Day 3</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">From Imperialism to Totalitarianism</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">The cartographic series of Palazzo dell’Aeronautica</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="jgG6ef C9DxTc ">Day 4</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> Legacies of Italian Fascism and colonialism at the EUR with a visit to the storages of the former Colonial Museum in Rome </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> Visual and Material culture of Fascist Empire</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Narratives and Memories of Totalitarianism: History, Fragmentation and Remontage in Post-War Italian Art</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="jgG6ef C9DxTc ">Day 5</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> Processes of Racialization in Colonial and Postcolonial Italy</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Curating Fascism - Roundtable at the American Academy in Rome and visit to the studios of artists in residence</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Weekend - No activities</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="h.5744e9046e2666e_7" class="yaqOZd"> <div class="mYVXT"> <div class="LS81yb VICjCf j5pSsc db35Fc" tabindex="-1"> <div class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd Ft7HRd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd purZT-AhqUyc-II5mzb ZcASvf-AhqUyc-II5mzb pSzOP-AhqUyc-qWD73c Ktthjf-AhqUyc-qWD73c JNdkSc SQVYQc"> <div class="JNdkSc-SmKAyb LkDMRd"> <div class=""> <div class="oKdM2c ZZyype Kzv0Me"> <div id="h.5744e9046e2666e_4" class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd Ft7HRd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd jXK9ad D2fZ2 zu5uec OjCsFc dmUFtb wHaque g5GTcb"> <div class="jXK9ad-SmKAyb"> <div class="tyJCtd mGzaTb Depvyb baZpAe"> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="puwcIf C9DxTc ">WEEK </span><span class="puwcIf C9DxTc ">2</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="h.5744e9046e2666e_3" class="yaqOZd"> <div class="mYVXT"> <div class="LS81yb VICjCf j5pSsc db35Fc" tabindex="-1"> <div class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd Ft7HRd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd purZT-AhqUyc-II5mzb ZcASvf-AhqUyc-II5mzb pSzOP-AhqUyc-qWD73c Ktthjf-AhqUyc-qWD73c JNdkSc SQVYQc"> <div class="JNdkSc-SmKAyb LkDMRd"> <div class=""> <div class="oKdM2c ZZyype Kzv0Me"> <div id="h.5744e9046e2666e_0" class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd Ft7HRd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd jXK9ad D2fZ2 zu5uec OjCsFc dmUFtb wHaque g5GTcb"> <div class="jXK9ad-SmKAyb"> <div class="tyJCtd mGzaTb Depvyb baZpAe"> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="jgG6ef C9DxTc ">Day 8</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> Hitlerism, Antisemitism: The Different Approches of Levinas, Horkheimer and Adorno</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> What did the Italians read during the Ventennio? On the translation and reception of the authors of the Neuen Sachlichkeit</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit to Archivio Cagli and Accademia Nazionale di Danza</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="jgG6ef C9DxTc ">Day 9</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Soviet Totalitarianism: a Never-Ending Story</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">The Forbidden City: Tombolo between American Occupation and Italian Imagination</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Discussion on final projects with feedback on cultural heritage, memory and intermediality</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="jgG6ef C9DxTc ">Day 10</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Jewish diaspora. The experience of refugeedom and the idea of human rights before and after WW2</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Anti-Semitism and Racial Laws in Italy </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture and visit:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> Totalitarianisms and Diaspora: Jewish Musicians from Europe to Hollywood</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit to Teatro dell'Opera di Roma</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> Tour of the Jewish Ghetto and Sites of Jewish Memory in Rome</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span><span class="C9DxTc "> </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="jgG6ef C9DxTc ">Day 11</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture:</span><span class="C9DxTc "> Antifascist Resistance and its Postwar Memory: from Literature to Memory Sites</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Lecture: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Writing, Memory and Forms of Resistance in Orwell’s 1984</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Tour of San Lorenzo</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Visit: </span><span class="C9DxTc ">Museum of the Liberation of Rome</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc "> </span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="jgG6ef C9DxTc ">Day 12</span></p> <p class="zfr3Q CDt4Ke " dir="ltr"><span class="C9DxTc ">Final Project presentations </span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="Xpil1b xgQ6eb"> </div> <footer aria-hidden="false"> <section id="h.69b6fe09e593e916_34" class="yaqOZd"> <div class="IFuOkc"> </div> <div class="mYVXT"> <div class="LS81yb VICjCf j5pSsc db35Fc" tabindex="-1"> <div class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd Ft7HRd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd purZT-AhqUyc-II5mzb ZcASvf-AhqUyc-II5mzb pSzOP-AhqUyc-qWD73c Ktthjf-AhqUyc-qWD73c JNdkSc SQVYQc yYI8W HQwdzb"> <div class="JNdkSc-SmKAyb LkDMRd"> <div class=""> <div class="oKdM2c ZZyype Kzv0Me"> <div id="h.69b6fe09e593e916_35" class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd Ft7HRd-AhqUyc-uQSCkd jXK9ad D2fZ2 zu5uec OjCsFc dmUFtb"> <div class="jXK9ad-SmKAyb"> <div class="tyJCtd baZpAe"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </footer> ENTHYMEMA 2024-01-23 Call for papers: Framing the Unreal Exploring Graphic/Visual Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ca' Foscari University, Venice, ITALY - 13-15 November 2024 https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/enthymema/announcement/view/827 <p><br /><br /></p> <p>Andrew Milner, in Locating Science Fiction, argued that “the category SF applies [...]<br />across a whole range of forms, from the novel and short story to pulp fiction and the<br />comic book, from radio serial and television series to drama and film, from examinable<br />set text to rock album”. One might legitimately add video games, toys, and role-playing<br />games to this list, so that we may envision a multi-media continuum through which<br />the SF imagination spread all over the world. Fantasy seems to be endowed with a<br />similar power to infiltrate (one might even say “invade”) many different media.<br />Moreover, the interaction and hybridization of SF and F has proved to be an<br />increasingly relevant trend, that has produced remarkable comics asking for academic<br />attention in a framework that is aware of the whole SF context and the studies devoted<br />to the fantastic in general.<br />Academia has paid little attention to science fiction and fantasy in comics. But the<br />growing corpus of graphic narrative secondary literature continually offers more<br />materials concerning SF/F comics, which are undoubtedly a vast territory for textual<br />exploration. One might e.g. consider the diffusion of superhero comics, which—be they<br />of DC Comics or Marvel descent—have always incorporated typically SF/F elements in<br />their stories (Superman being, as we all know, an alien from planet Krypton, and Doctor<br />Strange being a sorcerer).<br />It is thus high time to devote a large-scale event to the discussion of SF/F in comics;<br />therefore, the ICLA Standing Research Committee on Comics Studies and Graphic<br />narrative has decided to celebrate its 20th anniversary by organizing a conference to<br />be held at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy. We look forward to receiving panel and<br />presentation proposals along these lines of research:</p> <p><br />● Critical/theoretical approaches (How should SF/F comics be analyzed? What<br />“traditional” critical methodologies focusing on purely verbal literature could be<br />applied to comics? Do we need specific instruments or literary analytical tools?<br />How might conversations like Afrofuturism and Techno-Orientalism play out in<br />such discourses?)<br />● Transmediality and comics: adaptations, remediations, rewritings, and other<br />intertextual retellings.<br />● Feminist studies in science fiction and their impact on comics. How do we<br />address the questions of race, class, gender, and the environment? Is this an<br />opportunity to disentangle critical strains in science fiction and fantasy studies?<br />● Unearthing the future and the past: the history of SF/F comics, methodological<br />questions of historiography, comics archaeology, literary and historical traces.</p> <p>● Video games and SF/F: new horizons of SF/F imagination.<br />● Canonical issues: locating the key figures of SF/F comics (panels on<br />authors/series/characters/places).<br />● Hybridization and slipstream: superheroes, supernatural detectives in SFnal<br />contexts, Lovecraftiana, postmodernist comics, analyses of the works of Moore,<br />Morrison, Gaiman, and similar creators.<br />● SF/F politics: does the unreal have a political agenda? What current issues does<br />it draw our attention to or alert us to in the real?<br />● Graphic migrations: SF/F comics translations, transnational diffusion, adaptation<br />to different national contexts, Afro-futurism, and similar issues.<br />● Serial issues: collective vs. individual authorship, publishing policies,<br />continuity/discontinuity, reboots and retcons, or related topics.</p> <p>Proposals (in English, Spanish, or Italian) should be submitted (in a MS Word<br />file) including email addresses and 200-word bios for all presenters.<br />· For panels (by April 15, 2024) include a general introduction (200<br />words) and a 300-word abstract for each presentation<br />· For standalone presentations (by May 31, 2024) include a 400-word<br />abstract</p> <p><br />Send your proposals to Angelo Piepoli [angelo.piepoli@gmail.com], Umberto<br />Rossi [umbertorossi_000@fastwebnet.it], Davide Carnevale<br />[davide.carnevale@uniroma1.it], and Alessandro Scarsella [alescarsella@unive.it].</p> ENTHYMEMA 2023-08-10 ENN7 + IGEL 2023 co-located conferences Call for Papers https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/enthymema/announcement/view/805 <p>The European Narratology Network invites submissions to the 2023 conference about narrative<br />processes, devices, and experiences in literature, film, theater, digital media, etc. across all<br />European languages and cultures.<br />This year’s conference is co-located with IGEL 2023, the conference of the International Society<br />for the Empirical Study of Literature, and the common theme is Rhythm, Speed, Path:<br />Spatiotemporal Experiences in Narrative, Poetry, and Drama. Submissions related to this topic<br />will be given priority but submissions about other topics are also welcome. The deadline for<br />submission is 10 March 2023.<br />The aim of the conference is to offer a space for a discussion about the role and enactment of<br />spatiotemporal experiences in narrative, lyrical, and performative works. The focus should be on<br />narrative theory in relation to literary studies, theory of versification, performance studies and<br />other relevant domains.<br />We welcome contributions related to formal and thematic perspectives about spatial<br />configurations in narrative (e.g. linear, circular, cyclical), spatial patterns (e.g. goal-oriented, free<br />exploration), and spatial attributes related to genres, forms, techniques, and themes.<br />Possible topics<br />We encourage submissions related to (but not limited to):<br />● Measures of narrative speed and duration in literature and in a transmedia perspective<br />● Rhythm in fiction and in poetry<br />● Wandering minds and bodies in poetry, theater, and narrative; walking as embodied<br />storytelling; bodily movement as prompt of poetic and narrative forms, e.g. in Dante’s<br />Comedy, flânerie, stream of consciousness (e.g. Joyce’s Dubliners, Dujardin’s Les<br />lauriers sont coupés)<br />● The chronotope of the road: link between movement and literary techniques (e.g. linear<br />fairy tales; Pindaric novels; disordered-without-aim stream of consciousness)<br />● Themes: means of transportation (from horse to spaceships) and narrative progression;<br />exodus, odyssey, diaspora, migration, pilgrimage.</p> <p>Submissions related to the main theme will be given priority but submissions about other topics<br />are also welcome</p> <p>Proposal submission procedure<br />Send submissions via the registration form at https://forms.gle/HGVjRY32Zyp9NnK59 including<br />the following information:<br />● Name of first author (First, Last and Title) and affiliation<br />● Email of corresponding author<br />● List co-authors (names and affiliations)<br />● Title of presentation<br />● Three to five relevant keywords<br />● Upload of anonymized abstract (500 words max; file format: .doc, .docx, .txt)<br />● Please indicate the format (paper or panel) by ticking the appropriate box<br />○ Paper<br />○ Panel (3-4 presentations)</p> <p>The deadline for submissions is 10 March 2023.</p> <p>Preconference Doctoral Seminar<br />Date: Tuesday morning, 26 September 2023.<br />In conjunction with the 7th International Conference of the European Narratology Network, a<br />preconference doctoral seminar on narratology will be held. The doctoral seminar will be<br />primarily devoted to topics connected with historical narratology. Both theoretical proposals as<br />well as particular analyses are highly appreciated.<br />Applicants for the seminar must be doctoral students during the 2022–2023 academic year and<br />doing research on any topic connected with narratology. At the end of the course, the<br />participants will receive a diploma and 1 ECTS.<br />Prospective participants are asked to send a 500-word description of their doctoral research<br />together with their résumés and name of institution via the registration form at<br />enn7conference@gmail.com<br />The deadline for submissions is 10 March 2023.<br />The seminar will consist of an introductory lecture and of working sessions to which the<br />participants will be distributed according to their particular topics. The seminars will be led by<br />supervisors who are experts on particular topics. Each student will present their topic (10–15<br />min), after which the supervisor’s comment on the topics, and a discussion, will follow.</p> <p>Important dates<br />● Panel proposals and papers submission deadline: 10 March 2023<br />● Acceptances will be sent out on: 15 April 2023<br />● Conference begins: 26 September 2023<br />● Conference ends: 28 September 2023</p> <p>Organisation<br />The 7th Conference of the European Narratology Network is organized by<br />Enthymema, International Journal of Literary Criticism, Literary Theory, and Philosophy of<br />Literature (https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/enthymema/about)<br />in cooperation with<br />University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy<br />University of Groningen, Netherlands<br />Conference convenors: Stefania Sini (University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy) and Federico<br />Pianzola (University of Groningen, Netherlands)<br />Contact<br />Inquiries concerning the conference can be sent to enn7conference@gmail.com<br />For more information, visit the conference website https://enn7.netlify.app/</p> ENTHYMEMA 2023-02-05