Postmortem Proxy Pilgrimages from Central Europe in the Late Middle Ages


proxy pilgrimage
Viennese town-books
Pressburg Protocollum testamentorum
Rome pilgrimage
Sankt Wolfgang

How to Cite

Jaritz, G. (2023). Postmortem Proxy Pilgrimages from Central Europe in the Late Middle Ages: The Examples of Vienna and Pressburg (Bratislava). Eventum: A Journal of Medieval Arts & Rituals, 1, 69–81.


The surviving Viennese town-books of around 1400 contain more than 2000 entries that are last wills which often mention the bequest of postmortem proxy pilgrimages to be undertaken for the deceased. This article analyses postmortem Viennese proxy pilgrimages in a quantitative and qualitative way regarding chronological, financial, and gendered aspects and patterns. It also compares these pilgrimages with those of another neighboring city, Pressburg (today Bratislava) which took place from the twenties of the fifteenth century onwards. As shown, the rich collections of last wills involving Pressburg exhibit both similarities with and differences from the Viennese proxy pilgrimages.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Gerhard Jaritz


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