Gilgameš <p>[Publication ceased]</p> Università degli Studi di Milano it-IT Gilgameš 2531-9515 The authors retain the right to their work, assigning Gilgameš the right of publication in a non-exclusive way. Tra il Nilo e il Ticino: la collezione egizia del Museo Archeologico dell’Università degli Studi di Pavia <p>The paper aims to provide a historical presentation and a brief<br />description of the quite unknown manufacts kept in the Egyptian<br />collection of the Archaeological Museum of the University of Pavia.<br />The materials, most of them gifts given by scholars, travellers and<br />scientists, in the fist mid of the 19th century, are a good evidence<br />both of the so-called “Egyptomania” and the beginning of the<br />interest in egyptologicals “studies” in Northern Italy. The reader will<br />find, after a historical introduction, a short overview of the materials<br />and a presentation of some ongoing projects for the valorization<br />and the fruition of the collection itself.</p> Marco De Pietri Copyright (c) 2019 Marco De Pietri 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 85 93 10.13130/2531-9515/11173 Corporéité et liens affectifs féminins: itinéraire d’un rituel pour Diane Nemorensis et Mater Matuta à Satricum <p>The religious practices performed in Lazio, for Diane of Nemi, and<br />for Mater Matuta at Satricum, are well known thanks to literary<br />sources whose details are sufficient to reconstruct them. They<br />teach us that these rituals were performed by a group of women to<br />replay a particular scene in various stages that can be completed or<br />corroborated by archeology, but they do not necessarily insist on<br />the importance of their bodies, nor on the emotional ties existing<br />between the various devotees. Yet this is one of the foundations of<br />the practice, so that the expected result is positively realized. If they<br />are palpable in one of the two rituals, they are barely mentioned in<br />the second, which is why they will be the focus of all the attention in<br />this article.</p> Émilie Thibaut-Fréville Copyright (c) 2019 Émilie Thibaut-Fréville 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 94 107 10.13130/2531-9515/11174 “Hic est enim, Hic est ille Calpurnius Fabatus”. Scritture e riscritture cinquecentesche di CIL V, 5267 <p>This paper examines the sixteenth century tradition of the inscription CIL V, 5267, found in Como in 1511 and currently exhibited at Civico Museo Archeologico P. Giovio. This inscription preserves the <em>cursus honorum</em>of Calpurnio Fabato who, as a political figure of considerable importance, has been mentioned by various literary sources. The text of the inscription is difficult to read, due to the bad state of the conservation of the basis; since the discovery scholars proposed several transcriptions. The aim of this paper is to highlight and analyse some of the variances that can be found in the transcriptions.</p> Silvia Gazzoli Copyright (c) 2019 Silvia Gazzoli 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 108 120 10.13130/2531-9515/11219 Vincenzo Appiani (1850-1932) nel contesto della scuola pianistica milanese <p>After an attempt to clarify the general concept of ‘piano school’ in<br />both its pedagogical and interpretative meaning, the article presents<br />the most recent research results concerning the pianist, composer<br />and pedagogue Vincenzo Appiani (Monza, 1850 – Milano, 1932),<br />an outstanding representative of the Milanese piano tradition. The<br />paper includes a biographical sketch of the musician and a first<br />reconstruction of his artistical and teaching activities in the wider<br />context of the new physiological achievements in piano technique<br />- arm weight, wrist mobility asf. - and their influences in Italy at the<br />beginning of the XX c.</p> Silvia Del Zoppo Copyright (c) 2019 Silvia Del Zoppo 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 122 130 10.13130/2531-9515/11186 Pratiche artistiche di rigenerazione urbana, integrazione culturale e trasformazione sociale attraverso il confine Messico/USA <p>This paper was born from a field research started in 2015 in Mexico<br />City, where I got to know the work of the artists presented: Torolab,<br />Nortec Collective and Rubén Ortiz Torres.<br />They have in common a link with the Mexico/USA border, to which<br />they relate in different ways and for different reasons.<br />The first paragraphs of the paper are meant to outline a theoretical<br />introduction to the theme of the border, which is followed by a<br />study on the generative potential of the border areas.<br />The central focus of the research is an excerpt of the interviews<br />and studio visits carried out as part of a trip undertaken in August<br />2016, to meet the artists already mentioned and the cross-border<br />dynamics in person: from Tijuana (Baja California, Mexico) to Los<br />Angeles (California, USA), walking through the border.<br />What emerges is a portrait of the frontier region as a laboratory of<br />globalization, where contrast, hybridization and cultural exchange<br />make innovation move faster. In this context, the work of the artists<br />presented demonstrates the potential of art as an engine of urban<br />regeneration, cultural integration and social transformation.</p> Anna De Luca Copyright (c) 2019 Anna De Luca 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 131 149 10.13130/2531-9515/11172 The semiotics and politics of the female body: A comprehensive analysis of Elfen Lied and its opening song <p><em>This paper develops an exhaustive analysis of the Japanese animation series Elfen Lied (2004) and its opening song, “Lilium”, which is an exceptional case within its field of production because its lyrics are written in Latin. The purpose of my analysis is to determine if “Lilium” and its visual presentation really have something to do (thematically and stylistically) with the series it presents, or not. My hypothesis is that "Lilium", both in its musical level and in its visual presentation, fulfils all the formal characteristics of both a lied and an overture; and, given the latter, anticipates core thematic and stylistic elements of the work it precedes. Moreover, it even subtly anticipates the ideological content of the series, which consists of a critical reading of gender roles and feminism in contemporary Japanese and global society. To demonstrate these hypotheses, I made a detailed analysis of Elfen Lied, paying special attention to its animated adaptation but not ignoring its original manga version; and then I analyzed "Lilium" in its three aspects: its visual presentation, its lyric and its musical score. I have analyzed and emphasized how the abundant intertextualities present in "Lilium" were productive for creating music and for transmitting the artistic and ideological content present in the series. The paper adopts an interdisciplinary perspective, and uses theoretical tools from the fields of semiotics, intertextuality, and reception theory.</em></p> Ezequiel Ferriol Copyright (c) 2019 Ezequiel Ferriol 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 150 168 10.13130/2531-9515/11221 La figura di Niobe silente in Eschilo: la testimonianza del fr. 154a Radt <p>In Aeschylean theatre silence reflects the feelings of the characters: anger, sadness, pain are often represented through non-verbal communication. Niobe, as a <em>mater dolorosa</em>, is the best example of an Aeschylean silent character: secluded in her mourning, she decides not to speak and refuses to communicate with the other characters; in this way she lives in her solitude, while she sits on her children’s grave for three days. The fr. 154a Radt testifies this position on the stage and validates the information we were given by Ar. <em>Ra</em>. 911-913; T 1.20<em> </em>Radt; Σ [BCDMNPPdVWXY] <em>ad </em>A. <em>Pr.</em> 436a; Σ [B*NcP*SjWXcYa] <em>ad </em>A. <em>Pr.</em> 437a.</p><div></div> Daniela Immacolata Cagnazzo Copyright (c) 2019 Daniela Immacolata Cagnazzo 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 5 14 10.13130/2531-9515/11225 Training a Chorus in Ancient Greece <p>In this paper, I shall analyse the information we can extract from<br />ancient Greek texts about the training of those citizens chosen to<br />become members of a chorus during the Athenian festivals, as well<br />as the importance to become such. I shall offer a revision of the role<br />of the chorodidaskalos, the person in charge of their instruction,<br />considered, in a certain way, a maestro di canto in the ancient world,<br />in order to determine if we can delimit the professional grounds<br />with which they used to work, from a technical point of view,<br />especially when, in many cases, they had to deal with members not<br />professionally educated for their chorus lines. This panorama will<br />show the importance that the practice of singing within a chorus,<br />principally on an Athenian theatre, implied for those citizens who<br />partook their experience at each festival, and how things were<br />dealt with from the Classical period until we find the phonaskos, a<br />professional trainer of voice that appears in the Greek world from<br />the Roman period onwards.</p> Luis Calero Copyright (c) 2019 Luis Calero 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 15 27 10.13130/2531-9515/11170 Un sigillum enigmatico: Amm. XXXI, 16, 9 <p>Many scholars have written about Amm. XXXI, 16, 9, paragraph in<br />which Ammianus qualifies himself as miles quondam et Graecus.<br />Generally, it is possible to distinguish two interpretations: it could<br />be a biographic reference or an apology due to his presumed<br />incompetence as latin writer. Starting from the comparison<br />between the whole passage, the two prefaces (XV, 1, 1 and XXVI, 1,<br />1-2) and other chapters, this paper wants to stress the complexity<br />of Ammianus work and his awareness as a literary man, giving<br />particular importance to the adverb quondam.</p> Federico Piatti Copyright (c) 2019 Federico Piatti 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 28 40 10.13130/2531-9515/11171 L’olio del Granduca, le galline per il Patriarca e l’ingenuo Polacco:nuove lettere per l’epistolario di e su Paolo Paruta (1595-1602) <p><em>The analysis of several unpublished letters by or to Paolo Paruta (1540-1598) could be very useful to revalue this underrated Venetian political writer, author of the dialogue </em>Perfettione della Vita Politica<em> ('About Perfection of Political Life’) and Ambassador for the Republic of Venice at the Papal Court (1592-1595). In fact, these letters shed some light on the daily life of Paruta’s political praxis: his travels, his duties as ambassador, his relationships with foreign sovereigns and with Venetian fellow citizens, his growing reputation; thanks to them, we could understand why Ugo Foscolo wanted Paruta to be studied in university courses as politico pratico. Some other letters (such as the one about the dedication of </em>Discorsi Politici<em>’s first edition, 1599), written by Paruta’s brother and sons, proof the hard economical situation of the ambassador’s heirs after Paolo’s death. In the last part of the essay there’s an analysis of a passage of a letter by Polish political writer Krzysztof Warszewicki about the project of a Latin translation of Paruta’s political work: then comes a comparison between Warszewicki’s and Paruta’s political thought.</em></p> Marco Giani Copyright (c) 2019 Marco Giani 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 41 66 10.13130/2531-9515/11220 Fischiare, una metafora: lingua e scrittura di un premio letterario. <p><em>Numerous are the comparisons that contemporary literature opens up to styles, genres and words of tradition. The dichotomy that distinguishes the choices of writing between a norm and a misrepresentation of the same has left (now perhaps more openly) the non-place of the linguistic standard emerging as a directional matrix of a more spontaneous communication, which aims to approach the competences - or presumed such - of the reader. </em></p><p><em>The analysis chooses to investigate the pages of </em>La vita prodigiosa di Isidoro Sifflotin<em> as the winner of the Campiello Opera Prima Award in 2015; what is proposed is therefore a linguistic reasoning that can interrogate the pages of the novel to understand what expedients and narrative mechanisms have led to assign a certain literary validity to a product that, deliberately, does not choose the linguistic literary standard. .</em></p> Marta Idini Copyright (c) 2019 Marta Idini 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 67 83 10.13130/2531-9515/11168 Editoriale La Redazione Copyright (c) 2019 La Redazione 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 3 3 10.13130/2531-9515/11226 Indice La Redazione Copyright (c) 2019 La Redazione 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 2 2 2 2 10.13130/2531-9515/11227