Non-monotonic bounded reasoners


logic programming
depth-bounded boolean logics
non-monotonic reasoning
bounded rationality

How to Cite

Baldi, P., & D’Asaro, F. A. (2025). Non-monotonic bounded reasoners. The Reasoner, 19(1).


We put forward a proposal for logics handling both non-monotonic reasoning and boundedly rational agents. We propose a hierarchy of depth-bounded non-monotonic logics. As the parameter k, which controls the level of reasoning depth, increases, non-monotonicity decreases while inferential power, in a classical sense, increases. Ultimately, these logics aim to provide non-monotonic approximations of classical logic. We present arguments and evidence supporting the adoption of this framework.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2025 Paolo Baldi, Fabio Aurelio D'Asaro