Locher's and Grüninger's edition of Horace from Strasbourg 1498: At the crossroads between printed and manuscript book production and use
Cover Image of 'Interfaces,' Issue 7: Marianne Therese Grønnow, 'Light. Dusk. Darkness,' 2012, acrylic on canvas, 145 x 225 cm – By kind permission of the Artist – https://mariannegroennow.com


Classical tradition
fifteenth-century manuscripts
book trade
history of reading
Jakob Locher
Johann Grüninger
in Jakob Wimpfeling
Antonius Mancinellus
Antonio Mancinelli
Christophorus Landinus
Cristoforo Landino

How to Cite

Jensen, K. (2020). Locher’s and Grüninger’s edition of Horace from Strasbourg 1498: At the crossroads between printed and manuscript book production and use. Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures, (7), 37–63. https://doi.org/10.13130/interfaces-07-04
Received 2020-06-19
Accepted 2020-12-05
Published 2020-12-07


This contribution aims to exemplify through a case study focused on Germany, how the late fifteenth-century availability of printed classical texts, whether for teachers or for students, facilitated an internationalisation of local textual traditions, sometimes with cultural tensions as a result. Printed books were commodities which modified both ways of engaging with texts and ways of producing manuscript texts. At the same time, pre-existing ways of making and using books formed the expectations of customers which producers of printed books sought to meet or, in a world of international commercial competition, even to exceed, by introducing innovative features which matched the evolving needs of potential buyers. We find a complex interplay of intellectual demands for change, institutionally established user expectations and the need for printers and publishers to create economically viable commodities, where printed books shaped a preexisting and continued manuscript based literary culture.


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