In Libia remote speranze di pace in uno Stato fallito
Though the negative results of the UN report in December 2018, new statements for peace in Lybia were proposed in order to stop criminal escalation and secure the democratic development of the State. By the way, the level of instability and violence is worrying for international institutions.
Riferimenti bibliografici
T. al-Khatib, Egypt’s Counter-Revolution Has Put The Nation In Peril, in Middle East Eye, 3 July 2018
W. Lacher, A. al-Idrissi, Capital Of Militias: Tripoli’s Armed Groups Capture the Libyan State, Small Arms Survey, Briefing Paper, June 2018
C. Sbailò, Libia. La posta in gioco. Un compromesso costituzionale su un bicefalismo dell’esecutivo di tipo tunisimo, in, 14 novembre 2018
F. Wehrey, J. Harchaoui, Is Libya Finally Ready for Peace? The Palermo Summit and the Case for Optimism, in Foreign Affairs, 30 November 2018
S. Zaptia, Palermo Libya conference makes no major breakthrough, postpones elections, reaffirms LPA and Action Plan, in Libya Herald, 14/11/2018