Gli sciiti afghani e il secondo emirato islamico


  • Elisa Ada Giunchi Università degli Studi di Milano
  • Mir Ahmad Joyenda


Parole chiave:

Afghanistan, Shi‘as, Ismailis, Taleban


After the return to power of the Taliban in August 2021, many analysts wondered if the new Islamic emirate would be different from the one that had controlled much of the country between 1996-2001. The treatment of women since then, which has received extensive coverage, seems to indicate that their ideological stand has not changed. But there is one aspect that has been overlooked and that would help us answer that question: the policies towards the Shi‘a minority. In the paper we will summarize the status of Afghan Shi‘as through the decades and assess whether it has changed over the course of two periods of Taleban rule


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Biografie autore

Elisa Ada Giunchi, Università degli Studi di Milano

Professoressa ordinaria

Mir Ahmad Joyenda

Attivista per i diritti umani, ex parlamentare

Riferimenti bibliografici

Y. Baiza, The Hazara of Afghanistan and their Shi‘a Orientation: An Analytical Historical Survey, in Journal of Shi ‘a Islamic Studies, vol. 7, n. 2, 2014

R. Bindemann, The Political reconstruction of Afghanistan. The hazara a hundred years after Abdur Rahman, in M. Centlivres-Demont (Ed.), Afghanistan. Identity, society and politics since 1980, London, I.B. Tauris, 2015

J. Desautels-Stein, Rites and Rights in Afghanistan: The Hazara and the 2004 Constitution,

The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, vol. 29, n. 1, 2005

N. Green, Afghanistan’s Islam: From conversion to the Taliban, University of California Press, 2016

A. Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Curzon press, 1995




Come citare

Giunchi, E. A., & Joyenda , M. A. (2023). Gli sciiti afghani e il secondo emirato islamico. Nuovi Autoritarismi E Democrazie: Diritto, Istituzioni, Società (NAD-DIS), 5(1).



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