Diritto al cibo e sovranità alimentare nella Repubblica federale democratica del Nepal


  • Serena Baldin Università degli Studi di Trieste University of Trieste image/svg+xml



Parole chiave:

food sovereignty, right to food, food security, Nepal, access to food


This paper aims to illustrate the legal framework related to the right to food and food sovereignty in Nepal, highlighting some problematic aspects related to access to food. In particular, the paper focuses on provisions that aim to counteract land grabbing and seed biopiracy. The research reveals that in Nepal the concept of food sovereignty is considered equivalent to the right to food security and the right to be free from hunger.

Biografia autore

Serena Baldin, Università degli Studi di Trieste University of Trieste

Prof.ssa associata di Diritto pubblico comparato

Riferimenti bibliografici

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