In praise of the weakness of law. A response to Schauer


  • Marco Quiroz Vitale University of Milan



In this essay, the Author aim to respond to the urgings in the book “The force of Law” by
Frederick Schauer breaking from the paradigm of analytical jurisprudence; insofar as the
University of Virginia philosopher states having found sociological bases for his own
logical/reconstructive architecture, the Author intend to develop a critique of Schauer’s theses
that is not merely theoretical, but sociological as well. In a nutshell whether the use of force is
sociologically necessary to control isolated resistance to the rules shared by the majority, or to
reinforce a law, that aims to trigger necessary social change, but such a strong limitation of
human freedom must be justified; and this legitimacy can only derive from the need for justice.

Key words: Justice, natural law, legitimization


Marco Quiroz Vitale, University of Milan

Marco A. Quiroz Vitale, Professore aggregato di sociologia del diritto, Università di Milano.


