Reflections about the Italian bureaucracy


  • Alfio Squillaci Università di Milano



The Italian bureaucracy is afflicted by many evils. The author highlights the dysfunctional effects of many factors: from corruption to cronyism, from informal organigrams to the influence of political cultures. Through a historical excursus the bureaucracy of our country seems to have been characterized by inefficiency; it is a place of occupation of political parties and broth of local, family and subversive powers of constitutional values.

Key words: Bureaucracy, Cronyism,Corruption

Author Biography

Alfio Squillaci, Università di Milano

Alfio Squillaci, Laureato in filosofia. Ha lavorato come dirigente nella burocrazia italiana. Ha collaborato alle pagine culturali di “Avvenimenti”, “La Provincia di Sondrio”, “Il Riformista”, "Linkiesta", "Stati Generali".