COVID-19: una prospettiva medica


  • Pietro Bagnoli Istituto Clinico Città Studi SpA Milano



Key words: Pandemic - danger - medical care - Covid-19


More than a century after the last great world pandemic, the one from Covid-19 has not been properly experienced by the Western world, that is, as a worldwide problem. Why worry if China is thousands of miles away and most Europeans have never even heard of the city Wuhan? It took a short time to rethink and deal with the most insidious and dangerous of the world’s pandemics, as a direct witness of events well describes in its various medical implications and facets, a health professional in charge of department of an important italian health reality transformed into hospital-Covid. We will not get rid of this virus soon or easily, and at best we will have to get used to it for a very long time. An appropriate worldwide vaccination campaign may succeed in solving the problem, but voluntary membership will be required without any hesitation

Author Biography

Pietro Bagnoli, Istituto Clinico Città Studi SpA Milano

Pietro Bagnoli, medico, Responsabile Unità Operativa Chirurgia Generale e di Urgenza presso Istituto Clinico Città Studi SpA Milano

