Le first lady del Quirinale e la Costituzione

Contributo allo studio del ruolo costituzionale delle consorti e delle supplenti consorti del Presidente della Repubblica nell’ordinamento italiano


  • Matteo Carrer Università degli Studi di Bergamo.




President of the Republic - institutional balances - first lady - ceremonial and protocol.


In Italy, there is no official role for the presidential first lady, however the history of the Republic indicates many different ways of
playing the role of the President's wife. Alongside a historical and institutional reconstruction, and a specific investigation on the
title and treatment due to the President's wife, the contribution aims to identify the common lines of the activities of the various
presidential first ladies, investigating in particular their role according to the Constitution, beyond the interpretation given by each
person who has played their role over time. A role that is not purely formal and ceremonial, but helps to outline the role of the
President himself.

Author Biography

Matteo Carrer, Università degli Studi di Bergamo.

Matteo Carrer è Ricercatore (RTDB) in Istituzioni di Diritto pubblico nell’Università degli Studi di Bergamo.

