Stato costituzionale democratico e governo dell'emergenza . Rilievi su una condizione eccezionale


  • Giovanni Messina Università Federico II di Napoli



Constitution, Rights, Democracy, Emergency, Sovereignty


The political management of the health crisis has forcefully posed to legal theory and political philosophy the classic question of
the relationship between institutional normality and the emergence of political intervention. What has happened has prompted
part of the doctrine to use the concept of a state of exception and in some cases to denounce the nonchalant use of extra-ordinem
powers that have strained the democratic fabric of our communities. Upon close examination of the legal-constitutional contours
involved, the thesis of the illegitimacy of some measures taken by government authorities seems well-founded, and a re-examination of what happened in the previous two years seems increasingly necessary.

Author Biography

Giovanni Messina, Università Federico II di Napoli

Giovanni Messina è ricercatore di Filosofia del Diritto presso il Dipartimento di Scienze politiche dell’Università Federico II di Napoli

