The variables in the research method of the Sociology of Law


  • Dennis Chávez de Paz Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima Perú



The method of scientific research has in the variable a fundamental concept for its development. In this sense, research in the Sociology of Law, makes it necessary to understand the concept of variable and its typology. Below is a brief review of these aspects. A typology of "cumulative" variables is proposed.

Key words: Sociologyof Law, Empirical research, Cumulative variables

Author Biography

Dennis Chávez de Paz, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima Perú

Autor: Abogado (UNMSM) y Licenciado en Sociología (PUCP). Profesor Principal de Sociología del Derecho en la
Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima Perú; Doctor en
Sociología por esta Universidad, con estudios de Post Grado (M.Phil) en The London School of Economics and
Political Science, Universidad de Londres, Inglaterra.

