Territorio, interessi in contesa e modifiche agli articoli 9 e 41 Cost.

Prime riflessioni sul "permitting" ambientale


  • Antonio Mitrotti Università del Salento




territory - balancing - interests - environment - authorizing powers - constitutional changes.



Since ancestral times, territorial space has been a field of contention between conflicting human interests, and not only
between different clans or tribes and, later, between different States of the international community, but even within the shared
borders of the same State: so that we have here wondered about the essential 'juridical' causes of this atavistic phenomenon, striving
especially to grasp some 'small' challenges won by modern constitutionalism.
It is precisely in these regards that the most recent amendments to articles 9 and 41 of the constitutional text of the Italian Republic
can be understood, which in relation to the territory, and its endemic history of conflict, would seem to herald potential novelties
also regarding the so-called environmental 'permitting' regime.

Author Biography

Antonio Mitrotti, Università del Salento

Antonio Mitrotti è Ricercatore di Diritto Amministrativo nell’Università del Salento

