Dal paradigma linguistico al realismo critico. Strategia di scrittura e statuto del personaggio nella prima produzione in prosa di Peter Handke

[From linguistic paradigm to critical realism. Strategies of writing and features of character in Peter Handke’s early prose production]


  • Giovanni Melosi Università di Pisa, Italy




Recent studies on German literature have highlighted a trend towards recovering the registers of  realism. Previously discredited notions of literary theory have also been reconsidered, primarily that of character. In view of this, this work focuses on the strategies of writing and the features of the character in some selected novels from Peter Handke’s early production. It is shown how the experimental tendency of the author weakened in the ’70s, especially when Handke came to write about his mother’s suicide in Wunschloses Unglück. In order to make sense of such a loss, the writer is led to reconsider a tradition he had theoretically criticized and practically liquidated, though without abandoning entirely the aesthetic principles which had shaped his first works.




How to Cite

Melosi, G. (2020). Dal paradigma linguistico al realismo critico. Strategia di scrittura e statuto del personaggio nella prima produzione in prosa di Peter Handke: [From linguistic paradigm to critical realism. Strategies of writing and features of character in Peter Handke’s early prose production]. Studia Austriaca, 28, 135–173. https://doi.org/10.13130/1593-2508/13374