ENN7 + IGEL 2023 co-located conferences Call for Papers
The European Narratology Network invites submissions to the 2023 conference about narrative
processes, devices, and experiences in literature, film, theater, digital media, etc. across all
European languages and cultures.
This year’s conference is co-located with IGEL 2023, the conference of the International Society
for the Empirical Study of Literature, and the common theme is Rhythm, Speed, Path:
Spatiotemporal Experiences in Narrative, Poetry, and Drama. Submissions related to this topic
will be given priority but submissions about other topics are also welcome. The deadline for
submission is 10 March 2023.
The aim of the conference is to offer a space for a discussion about the role and enactment of
spatiotemporal experiences in narrative, lyrical, and performative works. The focus should be on
narrative theory in relation to literary studies, theory of versification, performance studies and
other relevant domains.
We welcome contributions related to formal and thematic perspectives about spatial
configurations in narrative (e.g. linear, circular, cyclical), spatial patterns (e.g. goal-oriented, free
exploration), and spatial attributes related to genres, forms, techniques, and themes.
Possible topics
We encourage submissions related to (but not limited to):
● Measures of narrative speed and duration in literature and in a transmedia perspective
● Rhythm in fiction and in poetry
● Wandering minds and bodies in poetry, theater, and narrative; walking as embodied
storytelling; bodily movement as prompt of poetic and narrative forms, e.g. in Dante’s
Comedy, flânerie, stream of consciousness (e.g. Joyce’s Dubliners, Dujardin’s Les
lauriers sont coupés)
● The chronotope of the road: link between movement and literary techniques (e.g. linear
fairy tales; Pindaric novels; disordered-without-aim stream of consciousness)
● Themes: means of transportation (from horse to spaceships) and narrative progression;
exodus, odyssey, diaspora, migration, pilgrimage.
Submissions related to the main theme will be given priority but submissions about other topics
are also welcome
Proposal submission procedure
Send submissions via the registration form at https://forms.gle/HGVjRY32Zyp9NnK59 including
the following information:
● Name of first author (First, Last and Title) and affiliation
● Email of corresponding author
● List co-authors (names and affiliations)
● Title of presentation
● Three to five relevant keywords
● Upload of anonymized abstract (500 words max; file format: .doc, .docx, .txt)
● Please indicate the format (paper or panel) by ticking the appropriate box
○ Paper
○ Panel (3-4 presentations)
The deadline for submissions is 10 March 2023.
Preconference Doctoral Seminar
Date: Tuesday morning, 26 September 2023.
In conjunction with the 7th International Conference of the European Narratology Network, a
preconference doctoral seminar on narratology will be held. The doctoral seminar will be
primarily devoted to topics connected with historical narratology. Both theoretical proposals as
well as particular analyses are highly appreciated.
Applicants for the seminar must be doctoral students during the 2022–2023 academic year and
doing research on any topic connected with narratology. At the end of the course, the
participants will receive a diploma and 1 ECTS.
Prospective participants are asked to send a 500-word description of their doctoral research
together with their résumés and name of institution via the registration form at
The deadline for submissions is 10 March 2023.
The seminar will consist of an introductory lecture and of working sessions to which the
participants will be distributed according to their particular topics. The seminars will be led by
supervisors who are experts on particular topics. Each student will present their topic (10–15
min), after which the supervisor’s comment on the topics, and a discussion, will follow.
Important dates
● Panel proposals and papers submission deadline: 10 March 2023
● Acceptances will be sent out on: 15 April 2023
● Conference begins: 26 September 2023
● Conference ends: 28 September 2023
The 7th Conference of the European Narratology Network is organized by
Enthymema, International Journal of Literary Criticism, Literary Theory, and Philosophy of
Literature (https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/enthymema/about)
in cooperation with
University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy
University of Groningen, Netherlands
Conference convenors: Stefania Sini (University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy) and Federico
Pianzola (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Inquiries concerning the conference can be sent to enn7conference@gmail.com
For more information, visit the conference website https://enn7.netlify.app/