The Technê of Aratus’ Leptê Acrostich


  • Jan Kwapisz University of Warsaw


Parole chiave:

Aratus, Eudoxus, Ars Eudoxi, Acrostichs, Hellenistic Poetry, Technê, Sophia


This paper sets out to re-approach the famous leptêacrostich in Aratus’ Phaenomena (783-87) by confronting it with other early Greek acrostichs and the discourse of technê and sophia,which has been shown to play an important role in a gamut of Greek literary texts, including texts very much relevant for the study of Aratus’ acrostich. In particular, there is a tantalizing connection between the acrostich in Aratus’ poem that poeticized Eudoxus’ astronomical work and the so-called Ars Eudoxi, a (pseudo-)Eudoxian acrostich sphragisfrom a second-century BC papyrus.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Kwapisz, J. (2019). The Technê of Aratus’ Leptê Acrostich. ENTHYMEMA, (23), 374–389.



Giochi e giocattoli: parole, oggetti e immaginario – A cura di Lucia Floridi, Laura Neri e Chiara Torre
Ricevuto 2019-07-11
Accettato 2019-07-11
Pubblicato 2019-07-18