From Transvestite Text to Militant Camp
A Comparison Between A. Corteau’s The Book Of Katerina and K. Tahtsis’ The Third Wedding Wreath
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Auguste Corteau, The Book of Katerina, Kostas Tahtsis, The Third Wedding Wreath, Militant Literature, Camp LiteratureAbstract
The article provides a close reading of the novel Το βιβλίο της Κατερίνας [The Book of Katerina] by Auguste Corteau, highlighting its connections and divergences from Το τρίτο Στεφάνι [The Third Wedding Wreath] by Kostas Taktsis. It explores issues of social gender, family, and autobiography through the lens of camp discourse. From a theoretical perspective, the analysis builds on Fabio Cleto’s considerations of queer readings of camp discourse.
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- 31-07-2024 (1)
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