Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Toward Consolidation or Diversification?


  • Federico Pianzola Università degli Studi di Milano
  • Franco Passalacqua Università di Milano Bicocca



Parole chiave:

Narratology, diversification, consolidation, disciplines


This is an introduction to the interviews redacted as a follow-up of the 2013 ENN conference. The discussions that originated at the conference were rich and thought-provoking and so the editors of this special section of «Enthymema» decided to continue the dialogue about the state of the art and the future of narratology.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Ballerio, Stefano. Sul conto dell'autore. Narrazione, scrittura e idee di romanzo. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2013. Print.

Dawson, Paul. “Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Towards Consolidation or Diversification? (A Response).” Enthymema 9 (2013): 112-17. Web.

Iversen, Stefan and Henrik Skov Nielsen. “Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Towards Consolidation or Diversification? (A Response).” Enthymema 9 (2013): 124-32. Web.

Passalacqua, Franco and Federico Pianzola. “Epistemological Problems in Narrative Theory: Objectivist vs. Constructivist Paradigm.” Under review.

Pier, John and Philippe Roussin. Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Toward Consolidation or Diversification? The 3d ENN Conference Booklet. Paris, March 29 and 30, 2013. Web. 14 December 2013. <http://www.narratology.net/node/134>

Richardson, Brian. “The Antinomies of Narratology and the Difficulty of Any Theoretical Consolidation .” Enthymema 9 (2013): 122-23. Web.

Rossholm, Göran. “Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Towards Consolidation or Diversification? (A Response).” Enthymema 9 (2013): 138-39. Web.

Shen, Dan. “Consolidation Out of Diversification in Narratology.” Enthymema 9 (2013): 144-48. Web.

Skalin, Lars-Åke. “Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Towards Consolidation or Diversification? (A Response).” Enthymema 9 (2013): 133-37. Web.

Stromberg, David. “Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Towards Consolidation or Diversification? (A Response).” Enthymema 9 (2013): 118-21. Web.

Wang, Liya. “Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Towards Consolidation or Diversification? (A Response).” Enthymema 9 (2013): 140-43. Web.



Come citare

Pianzola, F., & Passalacqua, F. (2013). Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Toward Consolidation or Diversification?. ENTHYMEMA, (9), 104–108. https://doi.org/10.13130/2037-2426/3544



ENN 2013 Conference Follow-Up