Pratiche artistiche di rigenerazione urbana, integrazione culturale e trasformazione sociale attraverso il confine Messico/USA


  • Anna De Luca Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera



This paper was born from a field research started in 2015 in Mexico
City, where I got to know the work of the artists presented: Torolab,
Nortec Collective and Rubén Ortiz Torres.
They have in common a link with the Mexico/USA border, to which
they relate in different ways and for different reasons.
The first paragraphs of the paper are meant to outline a theoretical
introduction to the theme of the border, which is followed by a
study on the generative potential of the border areas.
The central focus of the research is an excerpt of the interviews
and studio visits carried out as part of a trip undertaken in August
2016, to meet the artists already mentioned and the cross-border
dynamics in person: from Tijuana (Baja California, Mexico) to Los
Angeles (California, USA), walking through the border.
What emerges is a portrait of the frontier region as a laboratory of
globalization, where contrast, hybridization and cultural exchange
make innovation move faster. In this context, the work of the artists
presented demonstrates the potential of art as an engine of urban
regeneration, cultural integration and social transformation.


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Musica e Spettacolo