Skin surveillance attitudes and behaviors in relation to skin checks for early signs of skin cancer in a sample of secondary school students and teachers in Palermo, Western Sicily


  • Enza Sidoti University of Palermo, Department of Sciences for Health Promotion “G. D’Alessandro”, Polyclinic, Faculty of Sciences of Education, Chair of Hygiene, Italy
  • Gabriele Paolini University of Palermo, Department of Sciences for Health Promotion “G. D’Alessandro”, Polyclinic, Faculty of Sciences of Education, Chair of Hygiene, Italy
  • Giuseppe Tringali University of Palermo, Department of Sciences for Health Promotion “G. D’Alessandro”, Polyclinic, Faculty of Sciences of Education, Chair of Hygiene, Italy



skin self examination (SSE), skin cancer prevention, sun exposure


Background: Malignant melanoma (MM) can be readily treated in its earliest stages: survival rate, when
detected early, is up to 95,0%. This justifies investigations on contributive factors and measures for
precocious detection of skin tumors to improve early detection and to increase survival rates. The purpose of
this survey was to collect information about knowledge, attitudes and behaviors on prevention in relation to
skin checks for early signs of skin cancer on a sample of secondary school students and teachers.
Methods: A sample of secondary school students and teachers from Palermo, was recruited using the cluster
sampling method. A self-administered questionnaire, consisting of twenty four multiple choice questions was
used as the survey instrument. Statistical analysis of data obtained was performed using Openstat software.
Results: The research showed a good level of awareness about skin cancer risk factors, which seemed to be
strictly correlated with age. On the contrary, practice of skin self-examination (SSE) is not as widespread, and
only 4,8% regularly checked the parts of their bodies most exposed to the risk of developing skin cancer. Both
students and teachers indicated that school-based health education programs are the best way to promote
the importance of prevention.
Conclusions: In many countries mortality is not increasing at the same rate as incidence for MM. The practice
of SSE may play a vital role in improving early detection and survival rates. Therefore, school interventions to
promote knowledge of the benefits of regular SSE should be implemented.






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