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Modello contratto per autori

Nome rivista represented by the Editor in chief  Nome editor, professor at the University of ……….. (Italy), Department of

and __________________________________________________________, hereinafter called the Author,

agree as follows on the rights of the Work entitled "______________________________________________________________________________________________", submitted on  _________  to nome rivista  through the journal submission system.

The author

  1. Carefully read and therefore accepts the NOME DELLA RIVISTA code on Publication ethics and publication malpractice
  2. States to the Board that the Work is original, and that he is the sole proprietor of the Work, otherwise he is joint author of the Work with _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________;
  3. States that the content is not libellous, does not violate the civil rights of any person or persons, and does not infringe any existing copyright;
  4. States he did not transfer the economic rights on the work to a third party;
  5. In case of the Work is a derivative work (such as a translation, a synopsis, a remake, etc.), states that the original bibliographic citation is the following (Author/s, Title, Place of publication, Publisher, Year, URL), in order to allow NOME DELLA RIVISTA  to determine existing  intellectual or economic rights on the part of author/s and/or publisher: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  6. States that the Work has not been previously published, or made available to the public; otherwise
  7. States that an identical version of the work has been already published as (Title, Place of publication, Publisher, etc.): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  8. Allows to NOME DELLA RIVISTA the right to publish for the first time / republish  [DELETE THE OPTION THAT DOES NOT CONCERN THE SPECIFIC CASE] the work within 1 (one) year from the submission, and the perpetual right to distribute the work free of charge by any means and in any parts of the world, including the communication to the public through the journal website;
  9. Retains the right to create derivative works and to reproduce, distribute, execute or publicly display his Work at conferences and presentations, lectures, and in case of any other professional activity;
  10. Retains the right to disseminate open access the Work, through his website or through an institutional or disciplinary, from the publishing on NOME DELLA RIVISTA
  11. According to the Publisher, renounces to any forms of compensation provided to authors and publishers for not for profit photocopying rights and library loan in accordance to the National law in force.


  1. Provides the Author with the publication and the diffusion of the Work within a year from the transfer of the concerning rights;
  2. Ensures to the Author the quality of the editorial work (format, readability, accessibility, aesthetic quality) whatever is the publication support;
  3. Ensures the respect of intellectual paternity and the integrity of the Work;
  4. Commits to promote the Work through its information channels after the publication;
  5. Commits to the legal deposit f the Work, and to the other fulfillments required by law;
  6. According to the Author, renounces to any forms of compensation provided to authors and publishers for not for profit photocopying rights and library loan in accordance to the National law in force.



Milan, date of submission


Editor in Chief…..


Milano University Press
Via Festa del Perdono 7 - 20122 Milano - Tel. +39 02503 12945
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