Scattered Speculations on Translation Studies

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Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak


It is a great pleasure to be here. I like talking in the City. I live here. I am a New Yorker.
Nobody is weird in New York. I am at home. It is here in my place of employment, a great university, chat I am engaged in the losing battle of real (as opposed to sellable) institutional change. Like Anthony Pym, I too am against boycott policies as a substitute
for activism. I have repeatedly taken a stand against boycott policies. I chink what we have to recognize is chat there is a double bind at work here. Like in most things, if you wane not to be a follower of boycott policies, nothing changes. Bue at the same time you have
to acknowledge chat the idea chat there are no national boundaries within scholarship is simply false.

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How to Cite
Chakravorty Spivak, G. . “Scattered Speculations on Translation Studies”. Translation. A Transdisciplinary Journal, vol. 1, no. 01, May 2021, pp. 63-75,
September 14, 2011 Research Symposium "Translation, Globalization, and Localization"