Interfaces is invested in bringing together the linguistic, literary, and historical expertise to take a European approach to medieval literature. The journal aims to establish a forum both for articles which move across literatures (plural) and also, more ambitiously, to foster reflections on a more elusive, but no longer entirely absent, object, European medieval literature (singular).
In line with the journal's scope and vision to promote connective approaches to European medieval literatures, we begin by facing head-on the multiple challenges of devising new types of narratives about medieval textual cultures. We have invited papers which take a wider regional perspective and move across medieval Europe as well as papers which bring an explicitly European perspective to more specific topics (with a tighter thematic, chronological, geographic or linguistic focus).
Cover image: Lucio Fontana, Concetto Spaziale, 1968, idropittura su tela, 73 × 92 cm – cat. gen. 68 B 16 © Fondazione Lucio Fontana, Milano