Sinonimia e omonimia derivazionali nel russo della rete


  • Italian italian Università degli Studi di Milano



As part of the studies about active processes characterizing the contemporary Russian language, the present work focuses on the theme of lexical derivation in Russian network communication. After the analysis of affinities and differences in the functioning on the web and in standard Russian of derivational models forming neologisms with the meaning of person, the study analyzes the phenomena of synonymy and homonymy related to the derivation on the Internet. Specifically, jointly studing the neologisms resulting from the different considered derivational models, it underlines the development in the Russian language of the web of close relations between the grammatical cathegory of derivation and the semantics ones of synonymy and homonymy. This represents, by one side, a difference with respect to the standard Russian language and, by the other side, a specific feature of network communication. The work, considering a new theme for the Russian studies, contributes to underline the importance of the Internet for a synchronic approach to Russian language.




