
  • Federica Ugliano Università degli Studi di Trento



The Theban tomb (TT) 31 of Khonsu, First Prophet of Menkheperre, is an ideal casestudy to understand the perception of natural and constructed landscapes, throughout the analysis of their different iconographies. Starting from the description of the decorative programme of Khonsu’s tomb, it could be possible to identify elements of continuity and differences between the depictions of the different sacred structures that can be appreciated also within the Theban and Amarnian tombs of the nobles during the XVIII and XIX Dynasty. The use of specific themes and iconographies might correspond to peculiar conceptions of the most sacred space, the temple.

Author Biography

Federica Ugliano, Università degli Studi di Trento

Laureata in Egittologia nel 2009 (relatore prof. ssa P. Piacentini) e in Egyptian Archaeology presso l’University College London nel 2011 (relatore prof. D. Wengrow). Dottoranda di ricerca in Studi Umanistici (curriculum Scienze dei Beni Culturali) all’Università degli Studi di Trento.


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