Web-mediated Stakeholder Communication in the Biotech Industry: the Discursive Construction of Dialogic Illusion


  • Paola Catenaccio Università degli Studi di Milano



Parole chiave:

stakeholder dialogue, discourse analysis, CMC interaction, biotechnology debate


The study investigates dialogic strategies in selected corporate communication of the biotech giants Monsanto and Bayer. Both companies have had to repeatedly face criticism on the part of activists and biotech-averse consumers. In order to win consumer trust and gain social legitimation, the companies have put considerable effort into building forms of stakeholder dialogue, resorting, to this end, to computer mediated communication as the preferred means of interaction. Monsanto’s and Bayer’s commitment to engage dialogically with their audiences provides a set of ideal materials for testing if and to what extent new technological affordances are used by companies in the service of stakeholder dialogue on potentially controversial themes. The study analyzes the communicative coordinates and rhetorical organization of communication in two distinct sets of documents – Monsanto’s dedicated “Conversation” website section, and Bayer’s “Transparency Initiative” introductory video. The methodological toolkit used for the analysis is discourse-analytical in focus and draws on tools developed within Systemic Functional linguistics for the analysis of interpersonal resources, and on pragmadialectics for the exploration of the argumentative and rhetorical strategies deployed in the service of persuasion in respect of corporate goodwill/commitment in the face potentially oppositional discourse. The analysis highlights the challenges posed by dialogic overture on controversial issues, and suggests that a tension exists between transparency/openness and discursive foreclosure/gatekeeping which is very hard for companies to negotiate.


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Biografia autore/autrice

Paola Catenaccio, Università degli Studi di Milano

PAOLA CATENACCIO is Full Professor of English Linguistics and Translation at Università degli Studi di Milano. Her research interests lie primarily in the field of discourse analysis, which she applies to a variety of domains (legal discourse, business communication, professional discourse, the discourse of science and of scientific popularisation) in combination with other methodological perspectives (most notably corpus linguistics), adopting a multi-methods approach to linguistic research, especially in an intercultural perspective. She has authored numerous articles which have appeared in international journals and edited collections. She has also coedited several volumes on various aspects and domain-specific discourse and authored two volumes on the interface between corporate communication and the media (corporate Press Releases. An Overview, 2008) and on emerging paradigms in business discourse (Understanding CSR Discourse: Insights from Linguistics and Discourse Analysis, 2012).




Come citare

Catenaccio, Paola. 2018. «Web-Mediated Stakeholder Communication in the Biotech Industry: The Discursive Construction of Dialogic Illusion». Altre Modernità, ottobre, 48-63. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/10751.