(Dis)Abling Translation and Tourism Studies


  • Mirella Agorni Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia



Parole chiave:

translation, tourism, disability, accessibility, inclusion


This article will investigate the ways in which disability, meant both as a scientific field of enquiry and as a real-life issue our society is called to confront with, affects tourism and translation not only at the level of practice but also at a theoretical and methodological level. By assuming disability as a concern for all in everyday life, this issue takes on an urgency that triggers thought and action as few other social and
cultural topics do nowadays. Hence, the article will provide a preliminary—and by no means exhaustive— overview of the historical representation of disability and analyse its impact on both Tourism and Translation Studies. No empirical case study will be presented to explore this impact, as the article aims instead to go beyond specific investigations of the strategies applied to cater for the needs of people with disabilities, which are in fact flourishing in Tourism and Translation Studies. However salutary this development may be considered, there is a need to enlarge the spectrum of enquiry beyond the specificity of case studies, and investigate the complex interplay between practice and theory in the fields of Disability, Tourism and Translation Studies.


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Biografia autore

Mirella Agorni, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Mirella Agorni is Associate Professor at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice. Her research interests are focused on the history, theory and application of translation. She has also published extensively in the field of ESP, particularly on tourism discourse. Her main publications include: Translating Italy for the Eighteenth Century (Routledge 2002/2014); La traduzione: teorie e metodologie a confronto (Led 2005); Prospettive linguistiche e traduttologiche negli studi sul turismo (FrancoAngeli 2012), Comunicare la città. Turismo culturale e comunicazione (FrancoAngeli 2012). She is author of the entry on “Localism” in Gambier and D’hulst, A History of Modern Translation Knowledge (John Benjamins 2018).




Come citare

Agorni, Mirella. 2019. «(Dis)Abling Translation and Tourism Studies». Altre Modernità, n. 21 (maggio):16-32. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/11630.