Il turpiloquio nella comunicazione pubblica russa contemporanea


  • Francesca Volpi Università degli Studi di Milano



The paper shall discuss the different evaluations to which the Russian foul language has been submitted since the fall of the Soviet Union, moving throughout three decades from a state of marginality to institutional legitimization and again to marginality while maintaining a high level of popularity and creative force. Firstly, a theoretical frame will be given, outlining the main features and function of foul language. Secondly, some examples of swearing by political elites will be shown, which initially fostered the massification of vulgar language, facilitated also by the rapid spread of the Internet. Thirdly and finally, an analysis of the legislative interventions carried out since the early 2000s in order to achieve a restriction of the norm will be provided, trying to frame the current dialectic between the Russian speakers' community and the government's linguistic policy in the broader framework of the political status quo of the “power vertical”.


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Biografia autore/autrice

Francesca Volpi, Università degli Studi di Milano

Francesca Volpi is PhD candidate in Linguistic, Literary, and Intercultural Studies from the University of Milan. Her research interests move through the fields of contemporary Russian culture, Russian mass-media, and Discourse Analysis. She is especially interested in investigating how the media discourse and power intertwine in reproducing ideologies and hegemonic cultural representation.Her doctoral thesis focusses on the discursive practices about the construction of national identity enacted by print media in Russia during Crimea's annexation in 2014.




Come citare

Volpi, Francesca. 2020. «Il Turpiloquio Nella Comunicazione Pubblica Russa Contemporanea». Altre Modernità, gennaio, 279-94.