El vértigo de la superficie en los muros de Tomás Harris




Parole chiave:

Poesía chilena; Tomás Harris; muro


With this article we tried to focus our reading upon the poems that compose
Chilean writer Tomás Harris’ La vida a veces toma la forma de los muros (a section
included in his 1992 work Cipango). After considering the texts depending on their
order of appearance, we intended to identify those changes experienced by the image
of the wall and its relation with the lyrical subjects. Actually, the evident relevance of the
wall affects not only the work themes, but also the verbal form itslef. This proceeding
approached us to a variety of impressions that could promote an existential perspective
of wide reach, in addition to agreeing with other critical contributions. Thanks to the
support of the thinking of authors like Deleuze, Guattari, and Sartre, among others, we
realised that, starting from the wall element, a series of manifestations happens by
questioning the notion of human perception and consciousness.


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Biografia autore/autrice

Maria Rita Consolaro, Università Roma Tre

Maria Rita Consolaro es estudiante de doctorado en “Idiomas, Literaturas y Culturas
Extranjeras” en la Universidad Roma Tre (Italia). Su investigación principal se basa sobre
algunos poemarios chilenos de los 80 y su relación con el discurso neoliberal de ese
período. Ha participado a congresos en la Universidad de Valladolid y en la de Padova
y, recientemente, en el Instituto Cervantes de Roma. Ha publicado un artículo en
Analecta Malacitana Electrónica, además de reseñas en revistas académicas italianas. Es
socia de la “Associazione Italiana di Studi Iberoamericani”.




Come citare

Consolaro, Maria Rita. 2021. «El vértigo De La Superficie En Los Muros De Tomás Harris». Altre Modernità, n. 25 (maggio):235-50. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/15599.