Two faces of the feminist dystopia in the United Kingdom: Sophie Mackintosh and Rebecca Ley


  • Marta Olivi Università degli Studi di Bologna



Two faces of the feminist dystopia in the United Kingdom: Sophie Mackintosh and Rebecca Ley

A conversation with Sophie Mackintosh and Rebecca Ley

by Marta Olivi


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Biografia autore/autrice

Marta Olivi, Università degli Studi di Bologna

Marta Olivi is a PhD student of Modern Languages, Literatures and Culture at the University of Bologna. She is enrolled to a European curriculum focused on Gender and Women’s Studies (EDGES) which includes a cotutelle with the University of Utrecht. Her research interests cover contemporary English literature, feminist dystopias and materialism, and her research project consists in a materialistic analysis of food in contemporary feminist dystopias. She is also a literary translator from English to Italian.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Cavalcanti, Ildney. “The Writing of Utopia and the Feminist Critical Dystopia: Suzy McKee Charna’s Holdfast Series.” Dark Horizons: Science Fiction and the Dystopian Imagination, edited by Tom Moylan and Raffaella Baccolini, 1st ed., Routledge, 2003, pp. 47-68.

Dillon, Sarah. “Who Rules the World? Reimagining the Contemporary Feminist Dystopia.” The New Feminist Literary Studies, edited by Jennifer Cooke, 1st ed., CUP, 2020, pp. 169-181.

Ley, Rebecca. Sweet Fruit, Sour Land. Sandstone Press, 2018.

---. “Comfort food”. Notes from a writer. July 28, 2017. Accessed 31 Aug. 2022.

---. “Lasagna and love”. Notes from a writer. June 7, 2018. Accessed 31 Aug. 2022.

---. “How to write a novel”. Notes from a writer. July 19, 2018. Accessed 31 Aug. 2022.

---. “On Efficiency”. Notes from a writer. March 24, 2017. Accessed 31 Aug. 2022.

Mackintosh, Sophie. The Water Cure. London, Hamish Hamilton, 2018.

---. Blue Ticket. Hamish Hamilton, 2020.

Moylan, Tom. Scraps of the Untainted Sky. Science Fiction, Utopia, Dystopia. Routledge, 2000.

Suvin, Darko. Metamorphoses of Science Fiction. On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre. Yale University Press, 1979.



Come citare

Olivi, Marta. 2022. «Two Faces of the Feminist Dystopia in the United Kingdom: Sophie Mackintosh and Rebecca Ley». Altre Modernità, n. 28 (novembre):330-41.



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