Huellas que no se borran. Ruptura y desdoblamiento psíquico en tres obras de Luisa Valenzuela


  • María Teresa, Medeiros-Lichem Università di Vienna


Parole chiave:

Luisa Valenzuela, desdoblamiento psíquico, desplazamiento, memoria, Argentina


The emotional rupture caused by experiences of repression, displacement and exile originates a dislocation in the identity of the subject which often leads into a schizophrenic search for a new identity.  In the process of adaptation to the new condition the characters often unfold into split subjects which cause them to act irrationally.

This essay will explore the psychic transformations suffered by characters in their efforts to reconstitute a coherent and stable self in three works by Luisa Valenzuela: Novela negra con argentinos (1990), “Tiempo de retorno” (2008), and Realidad nacional desde la cama (1990). Her characters are split between the external reality and a repressed trauma, a situation where Memory and the wish to erase an unspeakable past strive to arouse into the surface of consciousness. Valenzuela’s protagonists are driven by the hidden desire to reach the Secret of their desolation. The true re-encounter and reconstitution of the Self will only be possible after the recognition of the indelible traces engraved in the collective Memory. 


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Biografia autore/autrice

María Teresa, Medeiros-Lichem, Università di Vienna

Medeiros-Lichem, María Teresa, PhD

University of Vienna, Austria. Department of European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies


Originalmente de Bolivia, con estudios de posgrado en New York University y Universidad de Buenos Aires, doctorada en Literatura Comparada en Carleton University, Canadá. Ha enseñado en universidades en Nueva York, Ottawa, Innsbruck, Alberta y Viena. Áreas de investigación: narrativa femenina en América Latina.

Publicaciones: Reading the Feminine Voice in Latin American Women’s Fiction: From Teresa de la Parra to Elena Poniatowska and Luisa Valenzuela (2002); La voz femenina en la narrativa latinoamericana: Una relectura crítica (2006);Texto, contexto y postexto: Aproximaciones a la obra literaria de Luisa Valenzuela (co-editado con G. Díaz y E. Pfeiffer. 2010). Co-coordinadora de ‘Bolivia: Nuevas tendencias en la literatura y las artes’ Nuestra América. Revista de Estudios sobre la Cultura Latinoamericana (2007). Ensayos en revistas académicas y volúmenes colectivos en Europa, América Latina y Estados Unidos.




Come citare

Medeiros-Lichem, María Teresa,. 2014. «Huellas Que No Se Borran. Ruptura Y Desdoblamiento psíquico En Tres Obras De Luisa Valenzuela». Altre Modernità, giugno, 52-65.