The Night of Exile


  • Marjorie Agosín



The Night of Exile


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Biografia autore/autrice

Marjorie Agosín

Marjorie Agosín is a human rights activist, writer, and literary critic. She has an M.A.
from Indiana University, and completed her Ph.D. in literature at Indiana University in
1982. A native of Chile, she went into exile after Pinochet’s violent golpe de estado in
1973, but has never ceased to fight for the reparation and memory of those who
suffered its harshest consequences. Heir to a turbulent and diasporic tradition (of
Jewish decent) and to a history of political resistance and survival, she is an
indefatigable human rights activist, defender of the rights and priorities of women in
Third World countries. Agosín has been awarded the Gabriela Mistral Medal of Honour
(for lifetime achievement) by the Chilean government (2002) and the United Nations
Association of Greater Boston Leadership Award for Human Rights (1998). She is a
clear example of the integration between human rights activism and academic
scholarship. Leading advocate of the rights of women in Chile, of their agency in the
resistance to the Pinochet dictatorship and of their role in the transition to democracy
and the permanence of the memory of the past, she is the leading expert in the
Chilean Arpillerista movement, as illustrated by her books Scraps of Life: Chilean
Arpilleras. Chilean Women and the Pinochet Dictatorship (1987) and Tapestries of Hope
Threads of Love: The Arpillera Movement in Chile (2007). Professor Agosín is also an
award-winning writer and poet, who has published poetry, memoirs, and fiction. Her
works include Brujas y algo más/Witches and Other Things (1986), A Cross and a Star:
Memoirs of a Jewish Girl in Chile (1995; about her mother's childhood in Chile during
World War II), Always from Somewhere Else: A Memory of My Chilean Jewish Father
(2000), The alphabet in my hands, a writing life (1999); At the threshold of memory. New
and Selected Poems (2003); I lived on Butterfly Hill (2014) She is the author of the
acclaimed international literary anthology of women’s writing on human rights, A Map
of Hope: Women’s Writing on Human Rights: An International Anthology (1999). In
addition to articles concerning women's human rights that have appeared in
publications such as The New York Times, The Christian Science Monitor, Ms. Magazine,
and the Barnard Occasional Papers on Women's Issues, Prof. Agosín has published
numerous articles on contemporary Latin American women writers.




Come citare

Agosín, Marjorie. 2014. «The Night of Exile». Altre Modernità, giugno, 214-21.



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