Murderous Visions of Relativity In the Novels Das Parfum and Oceano mare


  • Mattia Marino Bangor University


Parole chiave:

violence, essentialism, intersectionality, post-structuralism, otherness, identity.


Social rites attempt to fill in the bodily gaps left by death. The aesthetic rituals of the novels Das Parfum (1985) by Patrick Süskind and Oceano mare (1993) by Alessandro Baricco come to terms with death in representations of murder which convey a relativist conception of being as presence, based on creative and critical dissent from the social resentment revolving around the dualist consent of life as absolute essence and death as absence. Both novels present death in ways which dissent from the resentful mourning conventions derived from the consensual distinction between life and death. An interdisciplinary approach, where philosophical perspectivism and post-structuralism, sociological intersectionality, and historical hybridity are integrated, suits to the intercultural analysis of the intertextual relations between these literary works. Their metaphors of dissenting serial murders and murderous social resentment converge in aesthetic rituals which celebrate the cycle of being in death. 


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Biografia autore

Mattia Marino, Bangor University

Mattia Marino is a critic in comparative literature, extended to cinema, music videos, and debates. He discusses hybridity, identity, diversity, memory, and violence, from a socio-historic-philosophical perspective of dissent from the resentment of consent, developed in the 1990s and 2000s in Catanzaro (Italy), Maastricht (Dutch-Belgian-German borders), and Manchester (UK), also as a teacher at the University of Salford, and in delegations to Paris and America (Stanford, Brown, and Harvard).




Come citare

Marino, Mattia. 2010. «Murderous Visions of Relativity In the Novels Das Parfum and Oceano Mare». Altre Modernità, n. 4 (novembre):168-77.



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