When Shakespeare met Raimi: David Mence’s Macbeth re-arisen


  • Ruben Benatti Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro, Vercelli
  • Angela Tiziana Tarantini Monash University, Melbourne



Parole chiave:

Macbeth, zombie, Mence, Raimi, Evil Dead series


What would happen if Macbeth returned as a zombie? David Mence's "Macbeth Re-Arisen", a daring sequel of Shakespeare's Macbeth, is the answer to that question. According to award-winning author David Mence, the borders between pulp science fiction, fantasy and horror and literary fiction are more permeable than we think (Mence, 2014). In his audacious "Macbeth Re-Arisen", entirely written in blank verse, Mence blends the medieval Scotland depicted by Shakespeare with the maniacal zombies of Sam Raimi's "Evil Dead" series.
This article analyses the representation of zombies as characters in relation to David Mence's "Macbeth Re-Arisen", showing some continuity between this sequel of Shakespeares "Macbeth" and zombies in cinema, popular culture, and social studies. This article also analyses characters and topoi in ÒMacbeth Re-ArisenÓ and compares them to those in Shakesperare's "Macbeth".


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Biografie autore

Ruben Benatti, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro, Vercelli

Ruben Benatti (MA Linguistics, PhD in Applied Linguistics) is Adjunct Research Fellow at the Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro in Vercelli (Italy), where he taught Italian Language and Linguistics for many years. He taught courses on neurolinguistics, general linguistics, and language teaching, and spent a semester at the Magtymguly Adyndaky TŸrkmen Dšwlet Universiteti of Ashgabat (Turkmenistan). He has taught Italian as a second language in universities and cultural institutes in Italy and overseas (Serbia, Turkmenistan, Australia, China).

Angela Tiziana Tarantini, Monash University, Melbourne

Angela Tiziana Tarantini (MA European and American Languages, Literatures and Cultures; MA Foreign Languages and Literatures) is a PhD candidate in Translation Studies, Teaching Associate, and Research Assistant at Monash University in Melbourne (Australia). For her doctoral research in theatre translation she translated into Italian two plays by Australian playwright David Mence. Before starting her PhD, she worked as Teaching Assistant, English Language Instructor, and Sessional Lecturer of English in universities in Italy.


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Come citare

Benatti, Ruben, e Angela Tiziana Tarantini. 2017. «When Shakespeare Met Raimi: David Mence’s Macbeth Re-Arisen». Altre Modernità, novembre, 88-106. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/9180.