Staging Shakespeare. Renato Sarti’s “rude mechanicals” (tragic) comedy


  • Maddalena Giovannelli



"The same person," according to Socrates, "should know how to write comedy and tragedy; anybody who excels at tragedy will also be a master of comedy." Shakespeare's work, seeing its many registers and styles, seems to fully confirm Socrates' statement. But too often, on the most important stages in Italy, the tragic dimension of Shakespeare's plays prevails, and the actors seem to orient their actorial style in that direction. Yet with the Bard you can laugh, in actual fact you must laugh. Renato Sarti, director of Milan's "Teatro della Cooperativa" (Cooperativa Theatre), artistic director and playwright, seems to embody, through his own theatrical productions, the versatility of genre Socrates advocated.


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Biografia autore

Maddalena Giovannelli

Maddalena Giovannelli is Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Milan. She teaches Theatrical Literature of Ancient Greece and Ancient theatre on the contemporary stage; her research focuses on the Contemporary Reception of Greek Theatre. She is the Principal Investigator of Lessico del Comico project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, and the Director of the theatre journal Stratagemmi. She is also a theatre critic, and she writes regularly in Hystrio, Stratagemmi, Doppiozero.





Come citare

Giovannelli, Maddalena. 2017. «Staging Shakespeare. Renato Sarti’s “rude mechanicals” (tragic) Comedy». Altre Modernità, novembre, 164-68.



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