LondonIsOpen: Londra come città cosmopolita nella cultura contemporanea


  • (a cura di) Anna Sborgi King’s College, London
  • (a cura di) Lawrence Napper King’s College, London
  • (a cura di) Nicoletta Vallorani Università degli Studi di Milano



n. 20 – 11/2018

LondonIsOpen: Londra come città cosmopolita nella cultura contemporanea

a cura di Anna Viola Sborgi, Lawrence Napper e Nicoletta Vallorani


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Biografie autore

(a cura di) Anna Sborgi, King’s College, London

Anna Viola Sborgi is a Film Studies graduate student at King’s College London. Her current research project focuses on representations of the urban regeneration of East London in screen media. She previously completed a PhD in Comparative Literature at the University of Genoa, Italy, in 2007. Her research has focused on film and television and on the relationships between literature and visual culture. She has published journal articles and presented at conferences on different subjects, from British film and television to literary and visual portraiture in Modernism. She was the lead organiser of the Cities in Crisis symposium at King’s College London in November 2016 and is she is currently co-editing with Lawrence Napper and Nicoletta Vallorani the special issue of Other Modernities LondonIsOpen: London as a  Cosmopolitan City in Contemporary Culture 

(a cura di) Lawrence Napper, King’s College, London

Lawrence Napper is a senior lecturer in the Department of Film Studies at King's College, London. He has written widely on British cinema, silent cinema, London musicals and cinema and war.  His publications include 'British Cinema and Middlebrow Culture in the Interwar Years' (University of Exeter Press, 2009), 'The Great War in British Cinema of the 1920s: Before Journey's End' (Palgrave, 2015) and 'Silent Cinema: Before the Pictures Got Small' (Wallflower Press, 2017). He is an avid fan of the pantomime.

(a cura di) Nicoletta Vallorani, Università degli Studi di Milano

NICOLETTA VALLORANI is Professor of English Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Milan. Her specializations include visual studies, gender studies and queer studies. Among her work, we mention Utopia di mezzo. Strategie compositive in When the Sleeper Wakes, di H.G.Wells (1996), Gli occhi e la voce. J. Conrad, Heart of Darkness: dal romanzo allo schermo (2000), Geografie londinesi. Saggi sul romanzo inglese contemporaneo (2003), Orbitals. Materiali e Script di London Orbital (2009. Recently, she authored two volumes: Anti/corpi. Body politics e resistenza in alcune narrazioni contemporanee di lingua inglese (Libraccio Editore, 2012) and Millennium London. Of Other Spaces and the Metropolis (Mimesis, 2012). She also coordinates the project Docucity, on documentary filmmaking and urban geographies ( and she is a member of the editorial board of Studi Culturali (Il Mulino).




Come citare

Anna Sborgi, (a cura di), (a cura di) Lawrence Napper, e (a cura di) Nicoletta Vallorani. 2017. «LondonIsOpen: Londra Come Città Cosmopolita Nella Cultura Contemporanea». Altre Modernità, n. 18 (novembre):218-29.



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