About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie: Diritto, Istituzioni, Società (New Authoritarian Regimes and Democracies: Law, Institutions, Society), or NAD-DIS, is an academic Journal open-access published on-line twice a year. The multidisciplinary content of the journal is submitted to a peer scientific evaluation (peer review).

The aim of NAD-DIS is to research historical, institutional, as well as legal phenomena in geopolitical regions characterized by highly dynamic and extremely complex ethno-linguistic, historical, religious and socio-economic structures. Such complexity has a direct influence on legal and political developments, hence the essentiality of a multidisciplinary approach.


The origin of the project

The journal aims to contribute to the national and international academic debate on political and institutional developments, as well as socio-economic alterations, taking place in Central-Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, China, Asia, and Latin America.

This project has its roots in the legal and institutional peculiarity of these areas if compared to the Euro-Atlantic history, culture and values. The Western legal and cultural models, in fact, have been a constant reference for the countries of the areas considered, both in positive and in negative terms, whether they were imposed or freely imitated.

The Journal will reflect the multidisciplinary composition of its Scientific Board. The essays will be focused mainly on perspectives of constitutional and comparative law, philosophy of law, political history, comparative politics, political philosophy, political and economic geography. The topics to be investigated are: constitutional developments; elections and political parties; national and international courts; relationships between secularism and religion, politics and economy; energy, environmental and natural resources; regional integration; migrations policies; corruption and organized crime; post-conflict justice; minority protection; indigenous peoples.

Not limiting its field to the aforementioned list, the Journal will also focus on providing an overall theoretical framework of the contemporary political regimes (democracy decay, new authoritarianism, hybrid regimes, etc.).


Peer Review Process

Essays shall be subject to “double-blind peer-review” process, based on the anonymous submission of articles to two recognized experts in the related scientific field. The referee process is processed by filling in special forms whose format is known to the authors and which are kept by the Editorial Board. Contributions different from essays are subject to an internal peer-review process conducted by the members of the Editorial Board and/or of the Scientific Board. The list of referees is managed and periodically updated by the NAD-DIS Editorial Board.

In case of discrepancies between the two anonymous referees, the essay shall be sent to a third one. Based on the Editor in Chief’s decision, contributions from well-known scholars will not be subjected to peer-review process. This shall be explicitly indicated in the text.


Publication Frequency

NAD-DIS publishes two issues per year. Essays, chronicles, article reviews, case comments, and other contributions are published as the peer-review process is completed. Contributions are brought together in two issues. Each issue closing date is June 30 (No. 1) and December 31 (No. 2 of the year).



NAD-DIS does not charge authors for the submission and publication of manuscripts (APC).



The University of Milan has an archival arrangement with the National Central Libraries of Florence and Rome within the national project Magazzini Digitali.

The journal has enabled the PKP PN (Preservation Network) plugin, in order to preserve digital contents through LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe)  project.



Editors have a duty to act promptly in case of errors and misconducts, both proven and alleged. This duty extends to both published and unpublished papers. In case of errors in articles or in the publication process, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, appropriate steps will be taken, following the recommendations, guidelines and flowcharts from COPE.  Corrections will happen with due prominence, including the publication of an erratum (errors from the publication process), corrigendum (errors from the Author(s)) or, in the most severe cases, the retraction of the affected work. Retracted papers will be retained online, and they will be prominently marked as a retraction in all online versions, including the PDF, for the benefit of future readers.


Artificial Intelligence

NAD-DIS acknowledges the importance of artificial intelligence innovations understanding the challenges and opportunities they entail.

Authors who have used artificial intelligence tools in the editing of a manuscript, in the production of images or graphical elements of the article, or in the collection and analysis of data, are invited to explicitly declare their use, mentioning the AI tool, the field of application, the search queries used and the date of use, in order to allow reproducibility and verification. The author will remain responsible for the accuracy and correctness of any published content and guarantees compliance with the code of ethics and anti-plagiarism rules.
Authors who have used AI, or AI-assisted tools, are required to include a paragraph at the end of their manuscript, entitled "Declaration on Generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies in the Writing Process", with the following information:
"During the preparation of this paper the author(s) used [TOOL/SERVICE NAME] on [DD/MM/YYYYY] using the search terms: [SEARCH TERMS] in order to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) have reviewed and edited the content as necessary and take full responsibility for the content of the publication."

Editors are not allowed to upload received manuscripts into artificial intelligence software, in order not to risk compromising privacy and copyright.

Reviewers undertake not to use artificial intelligence tools to evaluate manuscripts in order to guarantee the application of critical thinking and original assessment, as required for this work.


Accepted languages:

Italian, English, French, Spanish. Headings and Abstracts should be in English. Articles in English should have an abstract also in Italian.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial -NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Preprint and postprint version of the articles can be archived anywhere under the same license.

Policy UNIMI Open Access




The journal New Authoritarianisms and Democracies. Rights, Institutions and Society (NAD) has been placed since 2019 on the list of "Class A" journals of Area 12 (12/C1 Constitutional Law, 12/D1 Administrative Law, 12/E1 International Law, 12/E2 Comparative Law, 12/E4 European Union Law, 12/H3 Philosophy of Law) and Area 14 (14/A1 Political Philosophy, 14/A2 Political Science, 14/B1 History of Political Doctrines and Institutions, 14/B2 History of International Relations, Non-European Societies and Institutions, 14/C3 Sociology of Political and Legal Phenomena) as updated by the National Agency for the Evaluation of University Research (ANVUR).