Environment-Conflict Nexus in the Sahel Region: Lake Chad as a Case in Point


  • Arushi Singh Consortium of Indo-Pacific Researchers




Environment, Conflict, Nexus, Sahel, Lake Chad


Lake Chad in the Sahel region has emerged as the epicenter of the widening conflict that is, in part, attributed to climate change-induced factors along with natural resource instability and intra-state pressures exacerbated by exploitative past colonial policies. The resulting environment-conflict nexus has given rise to violence, state fragility, communal breakdown, displacement of the local population, the proliferation of violent non-state actors, and a vicious cycle of poverty in countries surrounding Lake Chad. These factors, in turn, have made the individuation, establishing, and sustaining of institutions, and aid mechanisms to alleviate climate-change-related hardships extremely difficult. Furthermore, the environment-conflict nexus has disrupted inter- and intra-state migration patterns in Lake Chad, thereby adversely affecting agricultural yields and water resources. Additionally, there is a limited political representation and inadequate access to governmental services in the worst affected regions, which negatively accrue several contributing factors of the environment-conflict nexus.


Author Biography

Arushi Singh, Consortium of Indo-Pacific Researchers

Researcher for the Consortium of Indo-Pacific Researchers


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