Tourism as a multilevel discipline: between global interdependences and local aspirations


  • Lucia Musselli University of Milan



Tourism, Multilevel regulation, COVID-19, Cooperation


The tourism Sector presents a fragmented nature which requires different levels of governments and regulations. The main purpose of this study is to describe tourism law at the international, national and regional level. The COVID-19 crisis has affected tourism with unprecedent economic impactshad an unprecedented economic impact on tourism. Economic funds in thefrom Next Generation EU generation Next are represent the first steps for the recovery, but the urge is to solve some institutional problems related to the Italian devolutive process.

Author Biography

Lucia Musselli , University of Milan

Associate Perofessor


G. Avanzini, G. Matucci, L. Musselli (a cura di), Informazione e media nell’era digitale, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2019;

L. Musselli (a cura di), la gestione dei conflitti ambientali: nuove strategie e nuovi strumenti

operativi, in corso di pubblicazione presso ESI (2019),

A. Di Gregorio, L. Musselli (a cura di), Democrazia lobbying e processo decisionale,

Franco Angeli, 2015.

L. Musselli, Televisione e minori: tutela pubblicistica, Milano, Giuffrè, 2009;

L. Musselli, La conversione dell’atto amministrativo, Milano, Giuffrè, 2003;

L. Musselli, La giustizia amministrativa dell’ordinamento comunitario, Giappichelli, 2000.





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