Thematic Section

From inside to outside (and vice versa)

  • Outside-inside
  • Light
  • Grazia Varisco
  • Gruppo T
  • Lucio Fontana

This contribution will focus on some aspects of the roots of environmental art in Italy, with reference to works created between the 1950s and 1960s by Lucio Fontana, to environments designed by members of Gruppo T and other artists (Giulio Paolini, Luciano Fabro) in the 1960s, and through reflections on the different uses of space that were defined with the exhibition Lo spazio dell’immagine held in Foligno in 1967. The approach is not, however, that of a historical review of well-known events, but of an investigation into the way to understand the relationship between outside and inside, the sense and value of the “passage,” the conception of the modifying factors, starting with light, which have acted on the definition of space as an element to be perceived, rather than a place to be in, emphasising the dynamics that define a dialectical, if not antithetical, relationship with respect to architectural and design qualities in the proper sense, leading to reading the environmental art intervention as an invitation to follow a path.

  1. Accame, G., ed., Grazia Varisco (Bergamo: Maredarte, 2001).
  2. Apollonio, U., Argan, G.C., Bucarelli, P., eds., Lo spazio dell’immagine (Venice: Alfieri Editori d’Arte, 1967, exhibition catalogue).
  3. Brandi, C., Struttura e architettura (Turin: Einaudi, 1967).
  4. Brandi, C., Teoria generale della critica (Turin: Einaudi, 1974).
  5. Bruno, G., Public Intimacy: Architecture and the Visual Arts (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2007).
  6. Crispolti, E., Fontana: catalogo generale (Milan: Electa, 1986)
  7. Crispolti, E., Omaggio a Lucio Fontana (Rome: Carocci, 1971).
  8. Marcolli, A., Teoria del campo (Florence: Sansoni, 1971).
  9. Margozzi, M., Meloni, L., Lardera, F., eds., Gli ambienti del Gruppo T. Le origini dell’arte interattiva (Roma: Silvana, 2006, exhibition catalogue).
  10. Meloni, L. Gli ambienti del Gruppo T (Roma: Silvana, 2004)
  11. Meneguzzo, M., ed., Grazia Varisco. Percorsi contemporanei 1957-2022 (Milan: Skira, 2022, exhibition catalogue).
  12. Pinotti, A., “Procuratori del sé. Avatar e avatarizzazione,” in T. Gatti, D. Maini, eds., Visual studies: l’avvento di nuovi paradigmi (Milan: Mimesis, 2019): 27-40.
  13. Stoichita, V.I., L’instauration du tableau (Paris: Méridiens Klincksieck, 1993).
  14. Tedeschi, F., “Dall’interno all’esterno (e vicevesa). Il concetto di spazio ‘percorribile’ nell’opera di Grazia Varisco” in Meneguzzo, M., ed., Grazia Varisco. Percorsi Contemporanei 1957-2022 (Milan: Skira, 2022, exhibition catalogue): 26-29.
  15. Tedeschi, F., Luoghi di transizione: forme e immagini di “passaggio,” fra arte e architettura (Brescia: Scholé-Morcelliana, 2020).