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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La submission non è stata precedentemente pubblicata, né proposta a un'altra rivista (oppure si fornisce una spiegazione all'editor nei commenti).
  • Il file di submission è in un formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Dove possibile, sono stati fornite le URL dei riferimenti
  • Il testo ha spaziatura singola; usa un font 12 punti ; impiega il corsivo invece della sottolineatura (eccetto con gli indirizzi URL); e tutte le illustrazioni, figure, e tabelle sono posizionate all'interno del testo nei punti appropriati, piuttosto che alla fine.
  • Il testo aderisce alle richieste stilistiche e bibliografiche riassunte nelle linee guida dell'autore, che si trova nella pagina di informazioni sulla rivista.

Author Guidelines

Articles should be submitted as email attachment to the following address: .

Authors should also include, in three separate files:

1. an abstract in English and a list of at least four keywords (also in English)
2. a bibliography
3. the name and the email address of the author.


General Rules:

Journal Languages: English, Italian, French, German

Format: .doc or .docx Paper size: A4 Line spacing: 1.5

Font Style: Times New Roman Font Size: 12, justified Margins: 3 cm

The first line of each paragraph should be indented 0.5 cm on the left, except for the first paragraph of each section.

Number of characters: minimum 20,000 characters for articles. Between 5,000 and 10,000 for reviews.

All pages must be numbered. The number should be placed at the bottom, centered.


Dashes: Please always use this type of dashes in order to separate phrases: –


But there is now widespread agreement among scientists and philosophers that dualism is - must be - simply false: we are each made of mindless robots and nothing else, no non-physical, nonrobotic ingredients at all.


Quotations: Quotations inside the text should be placed between this type of double quotation marks: «...»

Use double quotation marks of this type: “...” only to enclose a quote within a quote, or to emphasize one or more words.


In fact, Strauss appears to say as much: «Philosophy or science, the highest activity of man, is the attempt to replace opinion about “all things” by knowledge of “all things”».

Use single quotation marks ‘...’ only if included inside the double ones “...” Quotes within quotes should be organized in this way: « “ ‘ ’ ” ».


Please note: in all cases, punctuation marks come after quotation marks.


Bibliographical references should be given in the footnotes.

Footnote numbers always have to follow punctuation marks, brackets and quotation marks.

If quotations are longer than five lines, they should be presented as block quotes, set off from the text: font size 10, indented 1 cm on both sides. In this case, no quotation marks should appear around the block quote.


The result is that philosophy «must respect the opinions on which society rests» without «accepting them as true». Thus, even if we attribute to Strauss the view that philosophy is the highest or best activity for man, we cannot avoid the political problem of accommodating this view to our community, which rests on a settled standard of justice. This tension between conventional opinion and philosophy resembles the Platonic cave. Yet this tension has been entirely obscured by modern philosophy, as exemplified in Spinoza’s metaphysics, which claims that nature offers no support to either reason or revelation. In this sense, believers and philosophers are in the same predicament: in order to restore a sense of the high, they must first liberate themselves from the cave beneath the cave.


For poetry, strophes have to be separated by /


Bibliographic references: Complete bibliographic references must be included in the footnotes, according to this model:


K. Lorenz, Evoluzione e modificazione del comportamento, trad. it. S. Stratta, R. Valla, Milano, Bollati Boringhieri, 1994.

S. Gazzaniga, Who’s in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain, New York, Harper-Collins, 2011. 

B. Oakley, A. Knafo, G. Madhavan, D. Sloan Wilson (ed. by), Pathological Altruism, New York, Oxford University Press, 2012.


Please note: The initial(s) of the first name come before the surname; titles are in italics; for pages, use p. and pp.

Abbreviations for editors are the following: a cura di; ed. by; hrsg. v.; éd. par

Abbreviations for translators are the following: trad. it. di; translated by; übers. v.; traduit par;

Trad. it. nostra; my translation; meine Übersetzung; tr. de l’auteur

Book chapters

M. Anscombe “Fatti bruti”, in A. G. Conte, P. Di Lucia, L. Ferrajoli, M. Jori (a cura di), Filosofia del diritto, Milano, Cortina 2003, pp. 298-302.

Please note: the title of the monograph is in italics and preceded by “in”; there is no comma between “in” and the title.

Journal Articles

Racine, “fMRI in the Public Eye”, in Nature Review Neuroscience, vol. 6, n. 2, 2005, pp. 159-164.

Please note: Journals’ titles are in italics.

Ancient and Medieval texts:

Plat., Alcib. I, 129 a.

Plat., Resp. VII, 524 d 2.

Arist., An. Post. I, 4, 73 a 34. 

Plot., Ennead. I, 4,16, 20.



In the bibliography, references are organized in the same way as in the footnotes, except for the fact that the name has to follow the surname. References should be given in alphabetical order.


Lorenz Konrad, Evoluzione e modificazione del comportamento, trad. it. S. Stratta, R. Valla, Milano, Bollati Boringhieri, 1994.

Racine Eric, “fMRI in the Public Eye”, in Nature Review Neuroscience, vol. 6, n. 2, 2005.


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