About the Journal

1. Focus and scope

Born out of the experience of the Contemporary Poetry Seminar, founded in 2019, «Configurazioni» borrows and relaunches its commitment to account for the problematic metamorphic continuity that characterises the vicissitudes of twentieth- and two-thousand-year-old poetry. From a pragmatic, relational and functionalist perspective, this means questioning the conditions of persistence and vitality of contemporary poetry as a literary form, capable of shaping and reshaping its own expressive codes (textual, macro-textual) to meet new and less new aesthetic and imaginative needs; as a specific section or province of the literary field, in which the ways of coexistence/competition between different proposals, conceptual orientations (in synchrony as in diachrony) are redefined and reinvented; as a niche of the market and publishing offer, within which the unstable hierarchies between a plural and changing system of circuits and channels, media environments and formats of socialisation, redraw from time to time a perimeter of limits and opportunities. It is in the complex interrelation between these dimensions that poetry renegotiates its own threatened functional space within contemporary society and the literary system, taking on new and different configurations that challenge - beyond any preconception - critical investigation and interpretative work.

3. Frequency of publication

«Configurazioni» provides for the publication of two issues per year, every six months, in December and June.

4. Open access Policy

Sharing Unimi's Open Access policy, the journal «Configurazioni» offers open access to its contents, aiming to promote scientific comparison and the maximum dissemination of research results.

The journal adopts the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 licence. The authors retain the copyright of the content they publish; users are guaranteed the possibility of reading, downloading and printing the contributions that appear in the journal, as well as citing them in a clear and recognisable manner.

Preprint and postprint version of the articles can be archived anywhere under the same license.

Publication in «Configurazioni» does not entail any financial burden for the authors or their institutions.

5. Code of Ethics

«Configurazioni» is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Sharing the indications of the code of ethics for publications drawn up by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, all parties involved (Director, Editorial Board, Scientific Committee, Editors, Reviewers and Authors) are aware of and undertake to subscribe to the following ethical requirements.

6. Duties of the Editor and the Steering Committee

  • Decisions on publication

The selection of articles for publication in «Configurazioni» is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief and the Steering Committee, who take into account the advice of the Reviewers and may consult with the Scientific Committee. The Editor and the Steering Committee are also obliged to comply with the requirements of the laws in force regarding defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism.

  • Objectivity and fairness

When evaluating submissions for publication, the Editor-in-Chief and the Steering Committee operate exclusively in regard to their scientific content, without discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political orientation of the authors.

  • Confidentiality

The Editor-in-Chief and the Steering Committee undertake not to disclose information about the evaluated articles to persons other than the relevant author, reviewers, editorial advisors, if any, or the publisher.

  • Conflict of interest and disclosure

The unpublished contents of an article submitted to the journal may not be used in any way in their research by members of the Editorial Board (Steering Committee, Scientific Committee, Editors) without the author's express written permission.

7. Duties of reviewers

  • Contribution to editorial decisions

The practice of peer reviewing supports the editorial decisions of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board; it can also offer the author useful indications or suggestions for improving his text.

In this regard, the reviewer undertakes to point out any undeclared similarities or overlaps between the text being read and other works known to him or her; as well as to point out contributions or works he or she considers fundamental that the author of the contribution has neglected to consider.

  • Respect of time

It is possible that a reviewer does not feel adequate for the review task proposed to him or her by the journal, or that he or she realises that he or she cannot meet the originally agreed deadlines. In such cases, the reviewer is obliged to notify the Editor-in-Chief or a member of the Steering Committee of his or her inability to do so in a timely manner, so that he or she can be released from the review process.

8. Duties of authors

  • Originality and plagiarism

Authors of contributions guarantee their originality and undertake to correctly indicate the sources and references used.

  • Multiple, repetitive and/or competing publications

The author should not repeat the same content that he or she has already published elsewhere, nor should he or she simultaneously submit the same text in multiple publication venues.

  • Authorship

Authorship must always be clearly attributed: for articles written by several co-authors, it is the author submitting the contribution to the journal who is responsible for correctly indicating the names of all other co-authors. He/she must also declare that he/she has obtained explicit consent to the publication of the article in the version submitted. 

  • Author's rights

Authors of contributions accepted in «Configurazioni» assign to the journal the right to publish on a non-exclusive basis, retaining copyright and all other rights to their work. 

  • Disclosure and conflict of interest

In the event of a financial or other significant conflict of interest that could be considered likely to influence the results or interpretation of research, the author must clearly state the terms in the abstract and within the article. Any sources of financial support for the research that the article accounts for must be indicated and included in the METADATA sheet.

  • Errors in published articles

Should an author become aware of a significant error in one of their articles already published in «Configurazioni», they must promptly notify a member of the Editorial Board.

9. Archiving

The University of Milan has an archiving agreement with the National Central Libraries of Florence and Rome as part of the national Magazzini Digitali. project.

The journal has activated the PKP PN (Preservation Network) service to preserve digital content through its transfer to the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) project.

10. Anti-plagiarism measures

The members of the Editorial Board (Steering Committee, Scientific Committee, Editorial Board) undertake to be vigilant - both in relation to articles yet to be published and in relation to articles already published - so as to prevent and, if necessary, take appropriate measures against possible errors or misconduct. In the event of discovery of errors, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, the Editorial Board will act in accordance with COPE guidelines. Interventions may include the publication, with appropriate prominence, of an erratum, in the case of errors occurring in the publication process; or a correction, in the case of errors by the authors. In the most serious cases, the Board may opt for the withdrawal of the contribution concerned. which will be stored online and will be prominently marked as a retraction in all online versions, including the PDF, as a guarantee of transparency towards readers.