The Poet and the Transgenerational. Notes on the Ethical Legacy of the Poetic in Osip Mandelstam, Paul Celan, and Durs Grünbein


  • Francesco Adriano Clerici University of Milan - Humboldt University of Berlin



Paul Celan, Durs Grünbein, area of the “poetic”, transgenerational, Osip Mandelstam


The paper addresses the question of the transgenerational by analysing a selection of writings by Osip Mandel’štam (1891-1938), Paul Celan (1920-1970), and Durs Grünbein (1962). The work suggests that the «unconscious of the text» (André Green) of these poets is permeated by a concern for the dynamics of transmission. In these terms, poetry can be interpreted as a space of survival of an absence, which represents a source of resignification of a possible encounter between distant generations in time and space.


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